Academics and Student Services

Provides students with a fair, timely and consistent process to appeal decisions that impact their academic standing or progression, when the grounds for an academic appeal are met on the basis of merit of work, personal bias or unfair treatment, course management and/or extenuating circumstances.

Maintains a high standard of academic integrity across the Seneca community and provides the foundation for research, teaching, learning and working practices.

Provides guidance where academic partnerships require approval, in order to protect the quality of Seneca’s programs and reputation, ensures the proper disposition of Seneca resources and assists in making informed judgments about the desirability of specific partnerships.

Ensures that academic programming is developed in alignment with Seneca’s strategic priorities, ministry, regulatory and external quality assurance requirements, and the current and anticipated demands and needs of students, industry, employers and the broader community.

Ensures the content and delivery of programs at Seneca are responsive, current and relevant in meeting employer, community, student and government needs.

Outlines the procedures for suspending a program, intake or cancelling a program.

Seneca is committed to providing an accessible teaching, learning, living and working community that is barrier-free and inclusive for all individuals. The purpose of this policy is to ensure practices and procedures are consistent with the accessibility standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

Promotes and supports accessible education and accessible learning services for students at Seneca.

Provides a framework for admission to Seneca’s full-time postsecondary programs, including Ontario College certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas, degrees and graduate certificates.

Provides a safe and supportive learning and working environment for members of the Seneca community specific to the identification and response to behaviours of concern, related to violence, self-directed violence, adjustment problems, misconduct and mental disorder exhibited by Seneca students.​

Outlines Seneca’s commitment to administratively manage and control biosafety and biosecurity risks in accordance with the applicable legislation, regulations and standards.

Harnesses the intellectual property generated with the institution’s resources to achieve Ontario’s goal of ensuring that made-in-Ontario innovations benefit Ontarians.

Sets the parameters for establishing new and/or approving adjustments to existing Compulsory Program Ancillary Fees for all courses and programs of instruction delivered by Seneca in accordance with the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive on Tuition and Ancillary Fees.

Ensures compliance with the Copyright Act as it relates to the use, reproduction and distribution of copyright-protected work.

Governs behaviour and practices that potentially infringe on an individual’s right to equal treatment without discrimination or an individual’s right to work or study free from harassment.

Safeguards the rights and well-being of students, faculty and staff, and other members of the Seneca community.

Outlines the rights of faculty and staff to use copyright-protected work for educational purposes and to provide reasonable safeguards for the owners of copyright-protected works in accordance with the Copyright Act and Supreme Court decisions.

Protects freedom of speech as it essential to discovery, critical assessment and the effective dissemination of knowledge and ideas and leads to social and economic advancement.

Stewards and dissipates information in Seneca’s custody or control while protecting the privacy of individuals’ personal information in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Provides students enrolled in diploma and advanced diploma programs with information about their General Education requirements.

Defines the standards for assigning grades to recognize student achievement in a course and program.

Ensures that current holiday celebrations are fully inclusive and respectful to all members of our community.

To promote safe, inclusive and respectful campuses and online learning environments free from any acts of discrimination, harassment, hate and racism.

To ensure transparency and consistency when responding to acts of discrimination, harassment, hate and racism, in compliance with applicable legislation. 

Outlines Seneca's position on the creation and development of works within the college system, and the ownership of intellectual property rights in those works.

Ensures students’ access to essential course materials, grades, resources and other relevant information.

Provides students enrolled in degree programs with information about their Liberal Studies requirements.

Ensures Seneca Libraries activities related to collection development, service standards and use of spaces support Seneca’s teaching and learning needs.

Identifies acceptable use and ownership of a OneCard.

Outlines the process for collecting outstanding student financial obligations.

Facilitates safe and orderly driving conduct on Seneca property and identifies acceptable use of parking services at Seneca.

Collects, uses and shares personal health information held by Seneca in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and all other applicable privacy legislations.

Ensures a safe and secure environment that is free from bullying/psychological harassment, violence or threat of violence.

Establishes a framework for assessing and recognizing credit for students’ prior learning.

Establishes and guides the operations of Program Advisory Committees as directed by the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive: Framework for Programs of Instruction [Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)]. This policy is ancillary to the College Bylaw No. 1 which establishes the Program Advisory Committees (Appendix 1).

Provides the framework for Seneca’s practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and disposal of recordings of educational activities, and to reinforce Seneca’s support of recordings as a means to promote student learning and success.

Recognizes that absences for religious observance are included in the Collective Agreements, Terms and Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff and the Ontario Human Rights Code as a shared responsibility.

Provides a respectful, timely and professional response to the death of a member of the Seneca community.

Ensures that all scholarly and research activities associated with Seneca adhere to accepted ethical, legal and integrity standards.

Identifies acceptable use of the Seneca Medical Centre (Medical Centre).

Ensures that Seneca has a process of investigation that protects the rights of individuals and holds individuals who have committed an act of sexual violence accountable.

Provides a framework for student assessment that supports consistent assessment and evaluation practices across Seneca.

Establishes Seneca’s standards of student behaviour that reflect its values and provides a framework to resolve issues if the standards are not met.

To provide Seneca Polytechnic students with on- and off-campus housing options, resources and assistance to support safe and secure housing during their studies.

To advance Seneca Polytechnic’s commitment to fostering positive student mental health and well-being.

Outlines the requirements for students to graduate from an Ontario College Credential or an honours bachelor degree program at Seneca.

Describes the required elements of all syllabi at Seneca Polytechnic.

Provides a framework for the evaluation and granting of transfer credits.

Establishes the framework for the administration of fee assessment, fee payment and refunding of fees.