Academic Appeal Policy


To provide students with a fair, timely, and consistent process to appeal decisions that impact their academic standing or progression when the grounds for an academic appeal are met based on the merit of their work, personal bias or unfair treatment, course management, and/or extenuating circumstances.


All Seneca students and employees.

Key definitions

Academic decision

A determination made by Seneca acting in accordance with academic policies and procedures.

Academic appeal

The process by which students may challenge an academic decision they have received.

Academic Appeal Committee

A group consisting of a least one student, faculty members and administrators who listen to, analyze and decide the outcome of an academic appeal.

Membership consists of the committee chair (an administrator) or designate, at least three faculty members not associated with the incident and one student, who is appointed by the Seneca Student Federation (SSF). 

Academic Appeal Assessment Committee

A group consisting of a student who is appointed by the SSF, faculty members and administrators who were not part of the Academic Appeal Committee. This group is charged with reviewing the decision of the Academic Appeal Committee based on one or more of the grounds for appeal outlined by the student.

Seneca business day

Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays or any other day Seneca has publicly acknowledged that it is closed.


The reason(s) used to challenge an academic decision the student believes is unfair or unreasonable.


1. General

  1. Students are encouraged to have ongoing conversations about academic expectations and concerns with their faculty member, program coordinator and/or chair.
  2. Students with no outstanding tuition fees may appeal any academic decision if it meets the criteria outlined in the Grounds for Appeal (See Appendix A).
  3. All aspects of the academic appeal process will be kept confidential.
  4. The academic appeal process has two levels: level one is the informal academic resolution process, and level two is the formal academic appeal process.
  5. Each level of the academic appeal process has an associated timeline, representing the maximum allowable time for the appeal. 
  6. Every effort will be made to expedite the process to decrease the impact on a student’s academic status.
  7. Students are responsible for initiating each phase of the appeal process. 
  8. If a student does not start an appeal within the timelines set in Seneca’s Academic Appeal Procedure, Seneca shall consider the matter closed.
  9. Faculty members and chairs will reply to inquiries at each phase of the appeal process in accordance with the timelines identified in Seneca’s Academic Appeal Procedure (Appendix B). 

2. Level one – Informal academic resolution process

  1. If students disagree with an academic decision, they are to discuss the matter with their faculty member, and/or chair as soon as possible to see if a mutually satisfactory solution can be reached by the timeline stated in Seneca’s Academic Appeal Procedure (Appendix B).
  2. A student may proceed to the formal academic appeal process only when a resolution cannot be agreed upon through the informal appeal process.

3. Level two – Formal academic appeal process

  1. Students who cannot resolve a matter through the informal academic resolution process may file a formal academic appeal.
  2. Students pursuing the formal academic appeal may request support from an employee within Student Services.
  3. All employees must cooperate with reasonable requests to provide documentation and appear at a formal academic appeal meeting unless extenuating circumstances prevent their participation.
  4. Pending the outcome of an appeal, a student may register for the next semester of their program unless there is an issue of liability, safety and/or conduct that interferes with the teaching/learning process.
  5. The respective chair may impose compulsory conditions to be met by the student if they continue in the program while awaiting the appeal outcome.

4. Formal Academic Appeal Assessment Process

  1. A student may initiate the Formal Academic Appeal Assessment Process to request an assessment of an Academic Appeal Committee’s decision.
  2. A student may only apply for an appeal assessment if one of the following grounds are met:
    • a substantial procedural error occurred during the Formal Academic Appeal Process
    • new documentation or information is available that, through no fault of the student, was not available at the time the appeal was heard by the Academic Appeal Committee
    • the sanctions imposed by the Academic Appeal Committee are unreasonable or substantially disproportionate to the circumstances or offence.
  3. The Academic Appeal Assessment Committee does not have the authority to rehear an appeal on its merits, as the decision of the Academic Appeal Committee is final.
  4. A new Academic Appeal Committee will be formed if the Academic Appeal Assessment Committee determines grounds to reconsider a student’s case.
  5. The new Academic Appeal Committee members must differ from those who heard the first appeal. 

Supporting documentation

Related Seneca policies

Related materials

  • None

Appendix A: Grounds for appeal

Grounds Explanation Suggested supporting documentation*
Merit of work An academic decision that does not accurately reflect a student’s demonstrated abilities, actions and/or achievements. Examples include but are not limited to:
  • a breach of academic integrity, (e.g., plagiarism, contract cheating, using Generative A.I.)
  • an assessment that may have been unfairly or inaccurately graded
  • Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR).
  • Specific and detailed reasons, in writing, as to why the original grade was inaccurate
  • Any relevant documentation, e.g., course notes, work experience, correspondence such as emails, letters, or academic integrity documentation
  • Samples of the student work from the course, such as essays, tests or assignments

Personal bias/unfair treatment

Note: If a concern relates to discrimination and/or harassment, please contact the Student Conduct Office and consult Seneca’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Perceived unfair treatment of a student by a faculty member in comparison to their treatment of other students within the course that negatively impacts a student’s performance. 
  • A written record of the events and an explanation of how they affected the student’s ability to succeed
  • Course outlines or assignments, if appropriate
Extenuating circumstance

An unforeseen significant event or circumstance that affected the student’s ability to meet the course requirements and was not accommodated.

Examples include, but are not limited to: medical and/or legal issues or other circumstances that have affected the student’s timely completion of an assignment, academic performance, or ability to meet academic obligations

Generally, employment commitments will not constitute grounds for academic appeal.

  • Medical documents
  • A death certificate death notice or funeral arrangement documentation
  • Travel arrangement documentation
  • Legal documentation, such as summons or subpoena, a notice of jury selection, eviction notice
  • Letters from counsellors, therapists or religious advisers
  • Evidence of a natural disaster (e.g., media report) 
Inconsistency in course management

A departure by faculty from the course outline or Grading Policy that negatively affects the student’s academic performance.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • change in course delivery mode
  • error in the application of established grading criteria
  •  not following the learning outcomes
  • Relevant course outline that demonstrates inconsistency in assessment
  • Evidence of a departure from the course outline and an explanation of how it affected the student’s ability to achieve learning outcomes

*Note: The supporting documentation suggested is not a comprehensive list and other documentation may be considered or required.

Appendix B: Academic appeal procedure

Note: Advice regarding the informal academic resolution process and the formal academic appeal process is available through Student Services. Contact to be connected to a Student Services representative.

Level One – Informal Academic Resolution Process

Action Timeline Responsibility

1. Once grades are made available to students, they can discuss any concerns and/or issues with their faculty member or chair

Within 10 business days of grades being made available

Faculty member or chairs will respond within five business days of receiving the inquiry 

Student, faculty member and chair
2. The student and school representatives will share all available, relevant information to resolve the issue.   Student, faculty member and chair

Level Two – Formal Academic Appeal Process

Action Timeline Responsibility

1. Where an appeal is not resolved through the Informal Academic Resolution Process and the student wishes to pursue the Formal Academic Appeal Process, they complete the academic appeal package and provide it to the respective chair or designate.

The package includes:

  1. the completed Academic Appeal Request Form (PDF) 
  2. relevant documentation (e.g., relevant correspondence, transcripts and supporting documentation)
  3. chair’s or designate’s signature

Students who are pursuing the formal academic appeal process may request support from an employee within Student Services (e.g., to review the formal academic appeal process, ensure all relevant documentation is included in the package, prepare for meeting and set/manage expectations)

Within five Seneca business days upon receipt of written notification that the informal academic resolution process was not successful Student

2. Scan all documents related to the student’s academic appeal package and keep an electronic file in their records.

Within five Seneca business days upon receipt of the student’s completed academic appeal package Program area administrator

3. Establish a meeting date and time based on the availability of all Academic Appeal Committee members and the student who submitted the completed academic appeal package.


  • Academic Appeal Committee membership consists of the committee chair (who is an administrator and non-voting member) or designate, a minimum number of three faculty members who are not associated with the incident and are not part of the program involved in the appeal, and a student representative designated by the Seneca Student Federation; every effort should be made to have committee members from different academic schools
  • The student who submitted an academic appeal request form and completed package has the option to invite one person (e.g., a Student Services employee) to attend the Academic Appeal Committee meeting as an observer only
  • The faculty member (involved in the appeal) and student are provided the entire package prior to the academic appeal committee meeting
  • The academic appeal committee chair may arrange to interview the faculty member for their perspective on the appeal.
Within five Seneca business days upon receipt of the student’s completed academic appeal package Program area administrator

4. Prepare the formal academic appeal decision letter, unless additional documentation is required to make an informed decision. The letter should be shared with the appeal committee members, faculty, program co-ordinator, and chair. Depending on the severity of the decision, the dean may be consulted prior to finalizing the letter.

Within five Seneca business days from the date on which the Academic Appeal Committee met Chair, Academic Appeal Committee

5. Provide the formal academic appeal decision letter to the student and their academic adviser.

Within five Seneca business days from the date on which the Academic Appeal Committee met Chair, Academic Appeal Committee

Formal Academic Appeal Assessment Process

The decision of the Academic Appeal Committee is final, unless the student believes their situation meets one of the three grounds for formal academic appeal assessment outlined in the Academic Appeal policy.

Action Timeline Responsibility

1. If a student wishes to appeal the Academic Appeal Committee’s decision, and one of the three grounds for a formal academic appeal assessment is met, they must deliver an electric copy of the academic appeal assessment package to the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Students at

The academic appeal assessment package must include the following:

Within five business days from the date recorded on the Academic Appeal Committee’s formal decision letter Student
2. Establish a meeting date and time based on the availability of all Academic Appeal Assessment Committee members and a student representative from the Seneca Student Federation. The student who filed the appeal assessment will be notified of the date by email, but does not attend the meeting, as it is a review of the academic appeal process, not a re-hearing of the appeal Within 10 Seneca business days upon receipt of the student’s completed academic appeal package Office of the Vice- President, Academic and Students
3. Prepare the formal academic appeal assessment decision letter, unless additional documentation, meetings or investigation are required to make an informed decision Within five Seneca business days from the date in which the Academic Appeal Assessment Committee met Chair of the Academic Appeal Assessment Committee

4. Provide the formal academic appeal assessment decision letter to the student

5. Collect any new documentation (e.g., meeting notes, correspondence, decision letter) and add it to the student’s academic appeal files.

6. Provide the student’s files to the respective program area 

Within five Seneca business days from the date in which the Academic Appeal Assessment Committee met  Dean, chair or designate

Note: If the Academic Appeal Assessment Committee’s decision is not in favour of the student, the decision of the Academic Appeal Committee is final.

Approval Date: July 2018

Last Revision: May 2024