To provide Seneca Polytechnic students and faculty members the essential course materials, grades, resources and other relevant information related to their courses on the Learn@Seneca learning management system.
Learn@Seneca Minimum Requirements Policy
This policy applies to all Seneca employees who teach or facilitate courses.
Key definitions
The conscious design of devices, services or environments to create barrier-free access for individuals with disabilities.
Content accessibility tool
An option integrated into Learn@Seneca that assesses the content accessibility, in compliance with applicable legislation (e.g., Blackboard Ally).
Faculty availability
Regularly scheduled and communicated times when faculty are available to students outside of class sessions, online and in person.
Seneca’s online learning management system.
1. General
- Seneca Polytechnic is committed to providing students with an accessible consistent online learning platform, designed to help them achieve academic success.
2. Accessibility
- All Seneca course content will be accessible in accordance with applicable legislation and Seneca policies.
- Content accessiblity tools will be used to ensure all posted course materials meet accessibility requirements.
3. Responsibilities
- Faculty are responsible for providing the following information on Learn@Seneca:
- welcome announcement
- communication plan
- their availability
- regular course updates
- course-specific information
- course orientation
- assessments
- student grades using Grade Centre
- Faculty will generally make courses available to students on Learn@Seneca one week prior to the beginning of the term and no later than the first day of classes (subject to change pending teaching assignments).
- Faculty will orient students on how to navigate Learn@Seneca and expectations for etiquette while using the platform.
- Faculty will make class recordings available to students, in accordance with Seneca’s Recording Educational Activities Policy.
Supporting documentation
Related policies/procedures
Related materials
Appendix: Learn@Seneca procedures
- A link to the approved class syllabus will be provided from CourseLeaf SYL.
- Content available to students on Learn@Seneca will include at a minimum:
- a link to the class syllabus
- course material
- assessments
- schedules
- grades
- faculty contact information
- communications options
- information on academic integrity and copyright
- An accessibility check will be completed for all new and updated course materials; all materials should meet a minimum of 67 per cent accessibility (e.g., green for Blackboard Ally).
- Course orientations for students in a digital format will include:
- how to navigate the course
- where to find information
- course topics
- guidelines and expectations (e.g., etiquette, participation)
- a communication plan
- academic integrity and copyright statements
Approval Date: July 2018
Last Revision: March 2025