3 Semesters (12 Months)
Ontario College Diploma

About the Program

The SSIA program is the first of its kind in Ontario, offering an in-depth understanding of the evolving landscape of newcomer reception and support in Canada. This one-year accelerated option allows you to build on your current credentials, upgrading your education or choosing a career specialization. This program consists of a seven-week summer semester starting in early May, followed by a regular academic year starting the day after Labour Day and concluding in mid-April.

Learning through a critical and anti-oppressive lens, you will graduate prepared to support immigrants and refugees from diverse backgrounds. The program, which is grounded in equity, social justice, and anti-oppression principles, provides insights into pre-migration conditions and how to offer meaningful support to individuals and families throughout the migration and integration process. 

You will gain knowledge and skills required for social service work with a specific focus on settlement counselling and case management aligned with the experiences of those newly arrived in Canada or undergoing the settlement process. Community development is highlighted with a focus on co-creation and co-design with citizens of the community to identify and respond to gaps in service. Additionally, you will develop advocacy skills to represent clients' needs, fundraising and proposal writing to secure resources, and program planning, development and evaluation to create and assess effective support programs.  Success in this program is measured by your ability to grow, challenge personal beliefs, and promote social justice, human dignity, and equality.

Please note that due to the nature of this program and profession, some course work and field placements are held in-person to adequately form interpersonal communication skills.  

Graduates with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to pursue many different educational pathways including Seneca’s Honours Bachelor of Mental Health and Addiction (BMHA) program.

Please note that due to the short duration of the first semester, the first semester does not qualify for OSAP funding. Subsequent semesters are eligible. For more information, please contact Financial Aid.

Program options

Seneca offers multiple Social Service Worker diploma program options, allowing students to graduate with a general or specialized focus.

Social Service Worker (SSW) – The generalized SSW option allows students to explore the breadth of social service work and apply for a variety of SSW jobs upon graduation.

Social Service Worker – Gerontology (SSWG) – The specialized SSWG option focuses on supporting older adults to maintain independence and a good quality of life.

Social Service Worker – Immigrants and Refugees (SSWI) – The specialized SSWI option focuses on supporting individuals and families who are new to Canada and/or undergoing the settlement process.

Accelerated programs are also available for eligible students with prior education or experience. Review each program’s admission requirements for details.

Social Service Worker (Accelerated) (SSWA)

Social Service Worker – Immigrants and Refugees (Accelerated) (SSIA)


Throughout this program you will develop the following skills:

  • Trauma-informed settlement counselling and practice across the lifespan
  • Case management
  • Community development and program planning
  • Fundraising and proposal writing
  • Referrals, intakes, assessment and evaluation
  • Interpersonal communication and interviewing
  • Group dynamics and facilitation
  • Advocacy, system navigation and familiarity of international and national migration policies

Work Experience

You will complete one unpaid placement specifically within immigration, migration and settlement services. You will complete a 400-hour unpaid field placement during your second and third semesters, where you will be able to apply the skills and theoretical concepts you have learned in the classroom. Completion of placement will support your entry into the field of Social Service Work with a specific focus on services and programs related to settlement.

Program Availability

Start in Location Availability
May 2025 Seneca@York  Open

Please note that availability is subject to change and a seat is not guaranteed.

Start in Location Availability
May 2025 Seneca@York  Open

Please note that availability is subject to change and a seat is not guaranteed.

This program meets Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility requirements.

Program and Course Delivery

This program is offered in Seneca's hybrid delivery format. Some coursework is online and some must be completed in person. Students will need to come on campus to complete in-person learning requirements.

Your Career

When you graduate from this program, these are the types of career options you can explore:

  • Settlement agencies
  • School settlement worker
  • Refugee shelters
  • Community health organizations
  • Criminal justice system
  • Women’s programs, shelters and agencies offering services for immigrant youth
  • Community mental health and addiction non-profit organizations
  • Agencies that support income, food and housing security
  • Newcomer reception agencies

Professional Accreditation

Graduates of the SSWIA diploma are eligible for registration with the Ontario College of Social Work and Social Services Work (OCSWSSW).

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