4 Semesters (2 Years)
Ontario College Diploma

Admission Requirements

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or a mature applicant
  • English: Grade 12 C or U, or equivalent course
  • Audition (via video or in-person)

Canadian citizens and permanent residents may satisfy the English requirements for this program through successful Seneca pre-admission testing.

International Student Information

In addition to the admission requirements, please select your home country for specific information. Please note, that all international applicants must meet Seneca’s English requirements. Additional documents/assessments may be required upon request.

Additional Information

Your audition will consist of the following. 

  • Two, contrasting monologues from a produced/published play(s) or film script(s) that are a maximum of one and a half minutes each 

  • You will be asked to present and then work on your monologues with direction from the panel

  • Movement exercises – please wear appropriate clothing 

  • A brief interview with the panel