Pathways beyond Seneca

University of Guelph-Humber

207 Humber College Blvd.
Toronto, Ont.
M9W 5L7, Canada

416.798.1331 ext. 6056

Graduates from the following diplomas are eligible for admission and block transfer credit towards their degree. Should students not see their diploma included in this listing, please contact Student Recruitment and Admission Services at 416.798.1331 ext. 6056.

Please visit our Transfer Guide online for more details about applications, admissions, pathways, transfer credit, scholarships and much more.

Degree: Honours Bachelor of Business Administration + Diploma in Business Administration

Seneca graduates of these two-year diplomas are eligible for up to 5.0 credits towards this degree which is equivalent to one year of study. Graduates of these three-year programs are eligible for up to 10 credits which is equivalent to two years of study. Students may be considered for admission with a minimum cumulative average of low to mid-70's upon program completion.

Seneca Program: Early Childhood Education

Degree: Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Studies + Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Seneca graduates of this two-year diploma are eligible for 10 credits towards this degree which is equivalent to two years of study. Students may apply to complete the program either full-time on-campus, or part-time or full-time online. More information can be found online at University of Guelph-Humber Early Childhood Studies program transfer. Students may be considered for admission with a minimum cumulative average with a minimum cumulative average of low to mid-70's upon program completion.

Degree: Honours Bachelor of Community Social Services + Social Service Worker Diploma

Seneca graduates of these two- or three-year diplomas are eligible for 10 credits towards this degree which is equivalent to two years of study. Students may select to apply for full-time or part-time studies fully online. Students can complete their degree in two years of full-time study or 2.5 years of part-time study. More information can be found online at University of Guelph-Humber Community Social Services program transfer. Students may be considered for admission with a minimum cumulative average of low to mid-70's upon program completion.

Seneca Program: Paralegal

Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science in Justice Studies + Diploma in Police Foundations OR Community and Justice Services

Seneca graduates of this two-year diploma are eligible to for up to five credits towards this degree which is equivalent to one year of study. Students may be considered for admission with a minimum cumulative average of low to mid-70's upon program completion.

Seneca Program: Police Foundations

Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science in Justice Studies + Diploma in Police Foundations or Community and Justice Services

Seneca graduates of this two-year diploma are eligible for 10 credits towards this degree which is equivalent to two years of study. Students may be considered for admission with a minimum cumulative average of low to mid-70's upon program completion.

Seneca Program: Fitness & Health Promotion

Degree: Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology + Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion

Seneca graduates of this two-year diploma are eligible for five credits towards this degree which is equivalent to one year of study. Students enter in May and complete a bridging semester that will allow them to sequence into third year of the program in September. Students may be considered for admission with a minimum cumulative average of 75% upon program completion.

Degree: Honours Bachelor of Applied Arts in Media Studia and Communication Studies + Diploma in Media Communications

Seneca graduates of these two-year diplomas are eligible for up to five credits towards this degree which is equivalent to one year of study. Students may be considered for admission with a minimum cumulative average of low to mid-70's upon program completion.