6 Semesters (3 Years)
Ontario College Advanced Diploma


Delivery: At Seneca, courses are delivered in the following formats: online, in-person, hybrid (an online, in-person combination) or flexible (offered in-person and online at the same time).

The chart below outlines the delivery options available for each course in this program. For some academic terms, there may be more than one delivery option available. You’ll be able to select your preferred options when building your course schedule during open enrolment.

Preferences for course delivery will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

International students: the impact of studying from outside of Canada and Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility differs significantly based on when you start your program. Please review the PGWP eligibility before choosing your program and course delivery.


Semester 1

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
COM101 or
Communicating Across Contexts or
Communicating Across Contexts (Enriched)
CYC100 Foundation of Child Youth and Care  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC101 Interpersonal Communication  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC102 Anti-oppressive Practice  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC103 Health and Wellness  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
CYC104 Child and Youth Care Practice  Not offered  Not offered  Online

Semester 2

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
CYC200 Therapeutic Foundations and Methodologies  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC201 Interviewing and Counseling  Online  Not offered  Not offered
CYC206 Child and Adolescent Development  Online  Not offered  Not offered
CYC227 Families in Change  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC247 Field Placement Preparation  Online
 Not offered  Not offered

Semester 3

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
CYC300 Child and Youth Care Methods  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
CYC301 Exceptionalities of Children and Youth  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC302 Therapeutic Activities  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC347 Field Placement Seminar  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC357 Field Placement  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
plus: General Education Course (1)
plus: Professional Options (1)

Semester 4

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
CYC401 Assessment and Recording in CYC Practice  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC402 Crisis Interventions  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC403 Group Work in CYC Practice  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC447 Field Placement Seminar  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC457 Field Placement  In-person  Not offered  Not offered
plus: General Education Course (1)

Semester 5

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
CYC502 Family Work in CYC Practice  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
CYC503 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Disorders  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
CYC547 Field Placement Seminar  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC557 Field Placement  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
plus: General Education Course (1)
plus: Professional Options (1)

Semester 6

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
CYC602 Counselling Children and Youth Lab  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC604 Specialization in Child and Youth Care  Hybrid
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC605 Child Trauma and Abuse  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC647 Field Placement Seminar  Online
 Not offered  Not offered
CYC657 Field Placement  In-person  Not offered  Not offered

Professional Options

Semester 3

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BHS204 Autism and Developmental Disabilities  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC376 Human Sexuality  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC377 Impact of Social Networking  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW371 Selected Issues: Intimate Partner Abuse and Violence  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW372 Selected Issues: Addictions  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW373 Selected Issues: Mental Health  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW374 Selected Issues: Child Welfare  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW380 Homelessness in Canada TBD TBD TBD

Semester 5

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BHS204 Autism and Developmental Disabilities  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC376 Human Sexuality  Not offered  Not offered  Online
CYC377 Impact of Social Networking  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW371 Selected Issues: Intimate Partner Abuse and Violence  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW372 Selected Issues: Addictions  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW373 Selected Issues: Mental Health  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW374 Selected Issues: Child Welfare  Not offered  Not offered  Online
SSW380 Homelessness in Canada TBD TBD TBD

Program Learning Outcomes

Learn more about program learning outcomes for this program.

Program of Study