6 Semesters (3 Years)
Credential Awarded
Ontario College Advanced Diploma

Program Learning Outcomes

The mission of Seneca Polytechnic's Child and Youth Care Program is to offer students’ academic, applied and transformative learning opportunities firmly rooted in relational practice, which prioritizes interpersonal relationships. With a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses teaching a diverse array of prevention, intervention and treatment strategies, the program strives to facilitate positive change for children, youth, families and communities.

This program has been approved as an Ontario college credential as required by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

As a graduate, you will be prepared to reliably demonstrate the ability to:

  • Develop and maintain relationships with children, youth and their families applying principles of relational practice and respecting their unique life space, cultural and human diversity.
  • Assess and respond to the strengths and needs of children and youth, including complex responses impacted by developmental, environmental, physical, emotional, social and mental health challenges in order to promote positive change.
  • Analyze and evaluate the impact of the inter-relationship among family, social service, justice and community systems on children, youth and their families and use this information in the planning of holistic care and in the reduction of systemic barriers.
  • Plan, implement and evaluate interventions using evidence-informed practices in the areas of therapeutic milieu and programming, and group work to promote resiliency and to enhance development in children, youth and their families.
  • Advocate for the rights of children, youth and their families and maintain an anti-oppression perspective and cultural competence in diverse cultural contexts.
  • Apply communication, teamwork and organizational skills within the interprofessional team and with community partners to enhance the quality of service in child and youth care practice.
  • Develop and implement self-care strategies using self-inquiry and reflection processes to promote self-awareness and to enhance practice as a child and youth care practitioner.
  • Use evidence-based research, professional development resources and supervision models to support professional growth and lifelong learning.