Degree: Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be considered for admission and granted up to 36 transfer credits when entering Bachelor of Arts degree programs in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York University. These are minimum requirements only. Some programs will require a higher average for admission, or supplementary application requirements and specific high school senior level prerequisites. All applicants will be granted three additional transfer credits for each YKC and YKL course achieved with a minimum grade of C for a total of 12 additional transfer credits, for a total of 48 (36+12). Please note that, depending on course waivers and the degree program chosen, students may need to complete more than 120 credits to graduate from York University. Students who have completed all first- and second-semester courses of the Liberal Arts program and who have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will also be allowed to take up to 12 credits in York University courses during their Liberal Arts studies. Students who have completed all first-semester courses with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and who are enrolled in required second-semester courses of the Liberal Arts program may be conditionally admitted to begin courses at York University. Students must also meet any additional program-specific admission requirements to be considered for admission at York University. Transfer credit from the Liberal Arts program, combined with the York University credits earned while in Liberal Arts, allow students to earn up to 60 credits before transferring full time to York University. For further information, contact Denise Wales, Program Co-ordinator, at 416.764.9457.
Degree: Any Bachelor Degree excluding the Schulich Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and International Bachelor of Business Administration (iBBA) degree programs, , the LassondeBachelor of Engineering (BEng), or any programs at the Markham campus
Graduates of Seneca’s Arts & Science – University Transfer diploma program with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) or 3.3 (B+/75 per cent) (depending on the York University program) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted a block of 36 credits into any York University degree program (with the exception of the formerly listed programs)Applicants will also receive 3 additional creditsfor each YKC and YKL course, completed with a grade of C or better, for a total of 48 credits.)
Applicants will also need to meet any additional program-specific admission requirements. Students enrolled in Seneca’s Arts & Science – University Transfer diploma program may apply to take up to 12 York credits while they complete their program. To be eligible, students must have completed all first- and second-semester courses of the Arts & Science – University Transfer diploma program, be enrolled in required third-semester courses and have an overall GPA of at least 3 (B+/75 per cent). Graduates of the aforementioned Seneca program who have completed the maximum 12 additional York University courses while pursuing their program may receive a total of 60 York University credits (including the 48 block credits).
Note: Graduates of Seneca’s Arts & Science – University Transfer diploma program are deemed to have satisfied the prerequisites equivalent to: Mathematics (MHF4U, MCV4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), Biology (SBI4U) and Physics (SPH4U). These may be required for York programs in the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Science and the Lassonde School of Engineering.
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Graduates of Seneca’s Biotechnology Advanced diploma program with a minimum GPA of 3.3 (B+/75 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted a block of 51 transfer credits into the Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology degree. Students enrolled in Seneca’s Biotechnology – Advanced diploma program will be allowed to register for BIOL 1001 3.0 and BIOL 2040 3.0 at York University (normally during the summer term after the completion of semesters one and two) while they pursue their diploma at Seneca. To be eligible, students must have completed all first and second semester courses of the Biotechnology Advanced diploma program and have an overall GPA of at least 3.3 (B+/75 per cent). Students who have completed first semester courses and are enrolled in their second semester may also be conditionally admitted with an overall GPA of at least 3.3 (B+/75 per cent) so long as they meet any additional program-specific admission requirements.
Degree: Bachelor of Commerce
Seneca graduates with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) who have graduated after 2015 may be considered for admission. Graduates of the two-year Accounting diploma will be granted a block of up to 45 credits towards the 120 required for an undergraduate honours degree, while graduates of the three-year Accounting & Finance diploma will be granted a block of up to 57 credits towards the 120 required. Graduates who meet admission requirements, which may include a higher GPA, and maintain a C or better in every course completed may be eligible.
Degree: Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.3 (75 per cent) or better will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 42 transfer credits (close to a year-and-a-half worth of studies). For admission to the BCom degree, students must also present MHF4U or have successfully completed the Mathematics of Business and Finance and the Business Statistics courses at Seneca.
Degree: Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.3 (75 per cent) or better will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 30 transfer credits. For admission to the BCom degree, students must also present MHF4U or have successfully completed the Mathematics of Business and Finance and the Business Statistics courses at Seneca.
Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts or Bachelor of Arts in Art History
Seneca graduates with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) who have graduated after 2015 may be considered for admission. Applicants also must submit a portfolio and attend an entrance portfolio review at which time they will present eight works of art for review by a School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design faculty member. Successful applicants will be granted a block of up to 48 credits towards the 120 required for an undergraduate honours degree.
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Psychology) or Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 42 transfer credits (the equivalent of a year-and-a-half of studies). Graduates must apply directly to York University.
For admission to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) program, students must present the following prerequisites: Math12U and Chemistry (SCH4U) or Physics (SPH4U).
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Education Studies) or Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 (B/70 per cent) are eligible to receive 45 transfer credits when entering Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies degree programs in the Faculty of Education at York University. Graduates must apply directly to York University.
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Education Studies) or Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 48 transfer credits (the equivalent of a year-and-a-half of studies). Graduates must apply directly to York University.
Degree: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology & Health Sciences) or Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admissionconsideration and granted 45 transfer credits (the equivalent of over a year of studies). Foradmission to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) program, students must present the followingprerequisites: Math 12U and Chemistry (SCH4U) or Physics (SPH4U). Students applying to theKinesiology program who have graduated with the Fitness & Health Promotion diploma are deemedto have satisfied the Biology pre-requisite (SBI4U). Graduates must apply directly to York University.
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Faculty of Health) or Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 36 transfer credits (the equivalent of over a year of studies). Graduates must apply directly to York University.
Degree: Bachelor of Social Work
Graduates of these Seneca diplomas are eligible to apply for admission consideration to York University’s Bachelor of Social Work and may be granted transfer credit depending on the applicant’s entire academic record. Meeting the minimum posted admission GPA requirement of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) may not be sufficient for students to be considered as there will be other program-specific requirements such as the Supplementary Application Form. Information regarding deadlines, program requirements and supplementary forms can be found on the
York University Admission Requirements web page. Students may contact Seneca’s Academic Pathways team for current information at 416.764.0399.
Degree: Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 45 transfer credits (the equivalent of a year-and-a-half of studies). Graduates must apply directly to York University. For admission to the BPA degree, students must also present one high school 4U math or have successfully completed the Advanced Functions (MTH196) or Statistics 1 (MTH197) courses at Seneca.
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Multicultural and Indigenous Studies), Bachelor of Arts (Human Rights and Equities Studies), Bachelor of Arts (Education Studies) or Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 45 transfer credits (the equivalent of a year-and-a-half of studies). Graduates must apply directly to York University.
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
Graduates with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and they will be granted 48 transfer credits. For more information, contact the Student Adviser, School of Biological Sciences & Applied Chemistry, Seneca, at 416.764.0455.
Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) or Bachelor of Arts (any major)
Graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) will be eligible for admission consideration and granted 48 transfer credits (the equivalent of a year-and-a-half of studies) into the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts. Graduates must apply directly to York University.
Degree: Bachelor of Education in Technological Education
Graduates of these Seneca advanced diplomas and degrees will be eligible for admission consideration to the Consecutive Bachelor of Education (Technological Education). Candidates who have completed a degree or advanced diploma program with work-integrated learning may have that component considered as part of the mandatory two years of work experience, provided they have continuous employment terms of no less than four months related to the area(s) of Technological Education selected as options in the program of professional education. Information regarding deadlines, program requirements and supplementary forms can be found at
York University Bachelor of Education, Technical Education.
Degree: Honours Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Music or Honours Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Music
Seneca graduates with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B/70 per cent) who have graduated after 2016 and have met any additional program admission requirements will be considered for this degree and will be eligible for 15 credits. Students seeking admission to these programs will be asked to audition to be considered for admission.
Review information on audition evaluations, admissions and degree requirements along with the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design regulations.
Degree: Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies (BES) of Cities Regions Planning
Seneca graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B or 70 per cent) will be considered for admission and granted a total block of 48 transfer credits when entering the BES Honours in Cities Regions Planning in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University.
Degree: Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies (BES) in Sustainable Environmental Management
Seneca graduates with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B or 70 per cent) will be considered for admission and granted a total block of 54 transfer credits when entering the BES Honours in Sustainable Environmental Management in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University.