
Unix/Linux configuration, installation, scripting, administration and troubleshooting will be the skill set of the graduates of this Certificate of Completion. One of the benefits is a stepping-stone into emerging industry standards.

Entry Requirements

CSN105, MST100 or equivalent knowledge in hardware, applications and operating systems.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Introduction to UNIX/Linux and the Internet



Unix and Linux represent the operating system technology underlying many of the services of the Internet. This course introduces students to Unix, Linux and the Internet. Students will learn to navigate the Internet, transfer files, communicate with others via electronic mail, and create and maintain World Wide Web pages using Extensible Hypertext Mark-up Language (XHTML). Students will do this work in Unix and Linux environments, at the same time learning to configure their login accounts, manipulate data stored in files, effectively use Unix commands and utilities, and write simple shell scripts.

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Open Systems Server

This project-based course will teach students how to install and configure a Linux server. Further, students will learn how to connect to and communicate over a network in a controlled environment. They will learn how to manage their files on their system and how to set-up file and directory permissions. Students will manage basic system security and firewall settings. In order to configure their system, students will gain knowledge of basic Unix/Linux commands and be exposed to the Bash Shell and python programming basics.

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Open System Application Server

This subject teaches the maintenance and administration of a Linux server. Students will learn to install and upgrade the operating system software, set up user accounts, manage current files systems, back up and restore files, install and configure servers, modify system start-up sequences, administrate common services and modify basic network configurations. Students will also be able to modify the configurations using scripting tools.

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Open System Administration

This course will prepare students for working as systems and network administrators in a modern, automated environment with the focus on Open-Source operating systems (OS). Through a series of projects using industry standard tools and programming languages, students will demonstrate how to automate tasks learned in previous courses such as OS deployment and configuration, application deployment, databases, storage devices, networks and firewalls.

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Many of these skills are transferable between the Linux and UNIX operating systems.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Certificate of Completion Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Certificate of Completion will be sent to you electronically.


Students will use networked mid-range and PC computer platforms to access today's leading operating systems (Windows, .Net, UNIX and OS/400 on the AS/400). The College uses SFTP and SSH access modes for some courses to enable work to be done from home. Most programming and networking courses and labs are located at Seneca@York Campus. The programming course students are expected to log 20-30 hours of lab time in addition to classroom time. The lab hours are extensive. Please check with the learning commons or Open Lab for their hours of operation. During evening hours, Continuing Education students have priority over day students; until 7 p.m. on weekdays, full-time students have priority, but Continuing Education students may use facilities that are not occupied. On weekends, Continuing Education and full-time students have equal right to the use of the labs. Your registration receipt is your passport to the lab, although AS/400, UNIX and other users may also require account codes and passwords provided by their instructor. In some courses, students will be required to purchase removable hard drive kits or other hardware. In most courses students will require a USB Drive for storing programming assignments.

Program Changes

The Computer Studies credit program undergoes constant revision to ensure its relevance in today's changing job market. Some courses have been thoroughly revised to reflect technological change. Certain courses and codes may change without prior notice.


On scheduled Program Information evenings, or by special appointment, you can meet with a Computer Studies coordinator for help in choosing courses. To obtain waivers of prerequisites, and apply for transfer credits, please call 416-491-5050, ext 33025.

Program Contacts

Rasika De Silva
Program Assistant

Glen Steins
Part-time Program Coordinator

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.