
The part-time Early Childhood Education Diploma Program emphasizes a learning process which is aimed at developing competent professional Early Childhood Educators with effective verbal and written communication skills. The College continues to provide resources and support to students as they progress through the program and endeavours to ensure currency in the curriculum.

The early childhood education principle of supporting and enhancing the development of the whole child is the basis for this program. This includes the social, emotional, physical and cognitive developmental domains of children from infancy to adolescence. Specific teaching skills and strategies are explored, demonstrated, and practiced in the Seneca classroom as well as in a variety of field placement opportunities.

Research methods and child study techniques are emphasized and integrated into all Early Childhood Education courses. These include observational techniques, assessment, and individual and group planning, curriculum development and self-reflection.

Field placement experiences are provided in a variety of Early Childhood Education environments including nursery schools, day-care centres and various community agencies during day time hours and are a required component of this diploma program. All field placement students must be supervised by a registered Early Childhood Educator.

If you've completed an undergraduate degree or three-year diploma from a recognized postsecondary institution in Ontario or have a degree evaluated for Canadian equivalency, you may be eligible to earn your accelerated Early Childhood Education diploma in three terms.

Please note the Early Childhood Education program curriculum has changed for Winter 2024. For students who started the program prior to Winter 2024, please contact Georgette.bigelow@senecapolytechnic.ca for more information. 


Interested in learning more?

Students are invited to attend an information session to learn more about the program and to connect with our team. 

Seneca Part-Time Early Childhood Education Information Session

Tuesday, April 8, 2025
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Register Now

Confirmation of registration and a unique link to join the information session will be provided upon registration.

Career Opportunities

Graduates are employed in municipal day-care centres, parent co-operative nursery schools, community based day-care centres and nursery schools, pre-school sections of hospitals and as educational assistants in public schools and as partners with public school teachers in Full-Day Kindergartens.

Entry Requirements

New students should attend an information session and must write the English Assessment test ELL100 or have credit for Communicating Across Contexts (COM101) or its equivalent.

Full-time students wishing to take Faculty of Continuing Education & Training (FCET) courses towards their diploma must consult with their Full-time Program Coordinator to ensure that the courses in which they intend to register will fulfill their academic requirements.
Full time students wishing to transfer to Faculty of Continuing Education & Training should consult with Academic Program Manager, Dedra.Profitt@senecapolytechnic.ca or Program Assistant, Georgina.Ioannou@senecapolytechnic.ca

Filter Classes: In Class     Online     Correspondence     Hybrid     Availability   

Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Visual Art: In Relationship with Art, Story and Materials


ECE112 and ECE114



In this course students will learn about visual arts. The practice of visual arts provides a space to encounter materials, create narratives with poetic languages, to ask questions and to provoke inquiry in relationship with others. Visual arts give voice to imagination, ideas, theories, experiences, and emotions, made visible through the act of pedagogical documentation. Time spent looking closely at artful expressions and viewing children's material explorations offers many invitations for pedagogical growth, insights, and reflection on artistic inquiry and material encounters.

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Wellbeing and Ethics of Care

Through the ethics of care lens, students will examine health, safety, and nutrition regulations, policies, procedures, and evidenced-informed practices in Early Childhood programs. Students will evaluate multiple dimensions of health, wellbeing, and vulnerability examining the socio-cultural contexts of lives of families, communities, and educators. The process of child abuse reporting will be examined at an introductory level. Students will learn about health, safety and nutrition practices in Early Childhood programs. The process of child abuse reporting will be examined at an introductory level.

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Foundations of Pedagogy and Care


ECE112 and ECE114



Students will be immersed in, and critically reflect on foundational theories and discourses related to the pedagogy of care. Course experiences are grounded in curriculum studies, play theory, children's rights, relationality, anti-racism, culturally responsive pedagogy, social-emotional learning, land-based pedagogies, and environmental conditions of learning. Students will co-create curriculum and pedagogical documentation with a preschool focus as they engage in the complex work of early childhood educators.

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Introduction to Childhood Development

In this course students will focus on the progress of growth and development in children from 2 to 6 years of age. Students will examine current research and theories that contribute to the image of the young child in the context of a holistic approach. The content of the course will motivate the students to reflect on their professional practice and its impact on children's development while considering diverse worldviews. Students will be introduced to observation skills used to support children's growth and development.

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Field Placement Visual Art



Field placement gives students the opportunity to practice what they have learned in the ECE program. Students will plan, implement, and evaluate creative experiences for preschool children practicing the principles taught in the corequisite course. Students will ensure they respect the child's individual choices of creative expression. Based on observation of children, students will develop the ability to provide open-ended opportunities for children to freely express their creativity through a variety of methods. Students will use further observation of children during the creative process to assess development in all domains. Students will engage in a respectful and objective dialogue with the child regarding their creative expression. In addition, time is spent reflecting and examining issues related to the field placement experience.

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Field Placement Preschool Environment



Field placement gives students the opportunity to practice what they have learned in the ECE program. Students will plan, implement, and evaluate play-based, inclusive, emergent curriculum experiences for preschool children. The early childhood educator's role as facilitator will be studied and practiced. Inclusive child guidance techniques will be utilized that support, nurture, and respect children's individuality. Based on observation of children, students will develop skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating programming that meets the needs of individuals and small groups of children and which are safe, diverse, and developmentally appropriate. In addition, time is spent reflecting and examining issues related to the field placement experience.

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COM101 OR COM111
Communicating Across Contexts


Students with a completed high school diploma or prior English Proficiency scores can find more details on next steps here.

Students without any of the above can be placed via successful completion of ESL934 OR English Assessment.

COM101 replaces EAC 150. Students who have successfully completed EAC 150 are not required to complete COM101.

This course introduces students to the core concepts of communication. Students will cultivate an awareness of these concepts by analyzing how they are used in a variety of texts and contexts, and they will apply these concepts strategically in their own writing. Through a variety of writing tasks centered on these core concepts of communication, students will develop the transferable reading and writing skills essential for success in their post-secondary studies, workplaces, and communities.

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Communicating Across Contexts (Enriched)


Students with a completed high school diploma or prior English Proficiency scores can find more details on next steps here.

Students without any of the above can be placed via English Assessment.

This course introduces students to the core concepts of communication. Students will cultivate an awareness of these concepts by analyzing how they are used in a variety of texts and contexts, and they will apply these concepts strategically in their own writing. Through a variety of writing tasks centered on these core concepts of communication, students will develop the transferable reading and writing skills essential for success in their post-secondary studies, workplaces, and communities.

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Human Rights and Social Justice in Early Learning and Care

Prerequisite(s): COM101 / COM111, ECE112 and ECE114

This course invites students on a journey in human rights, social issues, equity, and social justice. Students will engage in critical and reflective thinking to notice and disrupt inequities to learn about human rights, including children's rights. The roles of educators in an ecosystem of relations, for the wellbeing of children living in a complex and pluralistic society, honoring diversity in all its forms will be examined.

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Observation and Documentation of Children's Development

Prerequisite(s): COM101 / COM111, ECE112 and ECE114

In this course students will focus on principles, worldviews, theories, and sequences of child development pertaining to middle childhood. Students examine the way development from 6 to 12 years of age can be influenced by different contexts. Students reflect upon their own professional practice and its impact on children's development while considering diverse world views. Students will expand their observation skills using a variety of observation tools to build portfolios and support children's growth and development.

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Responsive Interpersonal Relationships

Prerequisite(s): COM101 / COM111, ECE112 and ECE114

In this course, students will explore how interpersonal communication relates to the care and maintenance of relationships. Educators play a pivotal role facilitating and mediating interpersonal relationships with adults and children in early learning settings. Interpersonal interactions and perceptions are profoundly affected by personal history, culture, and environmental contexts. As early childhood educators it is essential to be aware of communication patterns within professional interactions with young children, their families, and colleagues. This course explores special consideration related to co- and self-regulation, self-reflection, mental health, and the culturally responsive relational principles guiding one's interactions.

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1 General Education Option 1 General Education Option
Pedagogy and Care School Age Focus


All Module 1 courses and ECE214



In this course students will focus on their role supporting school-aged children's interactions with peers, educators, and the environment. Through observation and pedagogical documentation students will enhance skills in co-creating, implementing, and evaluating curriculum with a focus on materials and the environments. This course explores special considerations related to physical literacy, bullying, ecology of food, science, games, and establishing spaces that help children become socially just.

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Field Placement School Age Focus


All Module 1 courses, ECE214, and all required documentation.



During the semester, students will take part in a school-age field placement. The students will focus on planning and programming. If at any time a student jeopardizes the emotional well-being, health, or safety of a child through actions or behaviors and the supervising professor determines that the student is not capable of the required level of independent functioning, the student may be withdrawn from placement and may fail the course. The student may also be asked to leave the program.

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Music and Movement: Experiences Throughout Childhood

Prerequisite(s): All Module 2 courses and ECE314
Corequisite(s): FWK310

This course explores the principles, methods, and materials for working with children from birth to 12 using music and movement in an integrated and inclusive curriculum. Through process-oriented experiences, students will develop practical skills, knowledge, and confidence enabling them to support children's development of music and movement skills in various environments. The benefits of musical experiences throughout childhood will be investigated.

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Field Placement Music and Movement

Prerequisite(s): All Module 2 courses
Corequisite(s): ECE310

This course gives students the opportunity to implement the principles, methods, and materials for working with children using music and movement in an integrated and inclusive curriculum. Through process-oriented experiences, students will develop practical skills, knowledge, and confidence enabling them to support children's development of music and movement skills in various environments. Students will employ music from a variety of cultural backgrounds to inspire children to express themselves through movement. Students will use observation to assess the children's developmental abilities in all domains.

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Child Protection: Upholding Responsibilities to Children

Prerequisite(s): All Module 2 courses

Child abuse, neglect, and exposure to family violence are examined in this course. Students will learn about prevention strategies and indicators of child maltreatment and exposure to family violence. Through this course students will identify circumstances that require an immediate professional response. Current Canadian and Ontario child protection laws and legislation will be reviewed in-depth. Students will have an opportunity to learn more about the child welfare system in Ontario. This includes a critical look at historical contexts and diverse experiences that families may have with the system, including the overrepresentation of Indigenous and Black children and families. The course will provide students with an opportunity to learn about the ways that trauma-informed collaborative care and related principles can be applied to early learning and care environments.

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Pedagogy and Care: Infant and Toddler Focus

Prerequisite(s): All Module 2 courses and ECE314
Corequisite(s): FWK313

In this course students will focus on infants and toddlers, their environment, and curriculum. Students will learn that infants and toddlers are curious and capable of complex thinking. Using current research and practices, students learn about their role in supporting communication, language, and literacy across ages. Discussions on the reasons that responsive relationships are foundational to early childhood education will occur throughout the course.

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Field Placement Infant and Toddler Environments

Prerequisite(s): All Module 2 courses
Corequisite(s): ECE313

Students will be placed in sites where they will be able to integrate learning from all their classes. They will have the opportunity to practice skills required for the care and teaching of children birth to 2 years. On placement they will be mentored and receive feedback, see professionals on the job, and experience the multifaceted work involved in facilitating the optimal growth and development of young children.

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Observation and Development: Birth to 3 Years

Prerequisite(s): All Module 2 courses

In this course students will focus on principles, theories, and sequences of child development from conception to thirty-six months. Current issues that influence growth will be discussed. Students will gain exposure to a variety of observational techniques and screening/assessment measures which will enable them to apply evidence informed, developmentally responsive practices while engaging with infants and toddlers. Students will create goals and strategies to support children's holistic growth and well-being.

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Child, Family, and Community

Prerequisite(s): All Module 2 courses

In this course students will discuss the way strong, reciprocal, and respectful relationships between families, educators, and community partners build a foundation for optimal child development. When early childhood education curriculum and pedagogical practices respect a child's home culture and are co-created with families through an authentic relationship, children gain a positive self-image and sense of belonging in their communities. Additionally, when educators have knowledge of diverse community supports, care collaboration and partnerships are strengthened.

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1 General Education Option 1 General Education Option
Philosophy and Models of Early Childhood Education

Prerequisite(s): All Module 3 courses

In this course, students will study how historical and contemporary educational theories and philosophies influence pedagogical ideas in early childhood education. The interconnection between theory and practice will be studied while providing opportunity for critical reflection. Students will examine provincial, national, and global curricular models of early childhood education to form a personal philosophy.

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Legislation, Advocacy and Social Policy

Prerequisite(s): All Module 3 courses

Students will study the interconnection of relevant legislation, quality indicators, funding mechanisms, and administrative practices to provide educated support and guidance to families in early childhood programs. Students will gain insight into the administrators' role and the educators' role as it applies to administrative practices. Students will expand their advocacy role and leadership role on behalf of children and families in Ontario and the early childhood education profession.

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Critical Perspective of Childhood Disablement


All Module 3 courses

This course provides an in-depth perspective on theories and narratives describing forms of disablement from the perspective of disability as an identity. Students will examine their preconceived notions of disability and gain a depth of understanding of impairments. Students will learn about adaptations that empower child self-advocacy across settings and apply inclusive praxis while working with disabled children.

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Ethics, Professional Practice and Leadership


All Module 3 courses and ECE414



Students will examine what it means to be a professional early childhood educator. Being a Registered Early Childhood Educator has implications that include public and professional expectations and accountability. Students will become knowledgeable in professional ethics, standards of practice, and their role within the spectrum of services for children, families, and communities. Students will further their knowledge and skills in communication, mentorship, and reflective practice in a professional context.

Specifically, students will engage in processes that invite them to amalgamate their philosophical ideals and the realities of ethical obligations and policies through collaboration with colleagues. Students will recognize that all early childhood educators are leaders regardless of their role or position in early years and childcare settings.

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Field Placement Ethics Professional Practice and Leadership


All Module 3 courses



Being a Registered Early Childhood Educator has implications that include public and professional expectations and accountability. Students will practice the standards of practice and code of ethics of a professional early childhood educator. They will interact with children, families, and staff using the skills in communication, mentorship, and reflective practice in a professional context. Students will conduct themselves in a professional manner that reflects the quality role of an early childhood educator.

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1 General Education Option 1 General Education Option
Pedagogy and Care Inclusive Community Practices


All Module 1, 2 and 3 courses, including ECE414.



In this course students will focus on a variety of theories and pedagogical approaches to co-design inclusive environments that support equity and diversity. The role of the reflective educator as researcher, collaborator, documenter, and supporter of learning will be examined. Students will examine the implications of applying a variety of cultural and philosophical values in pedagogical practices in various contexts. This course explores special considerations related to mathematics, construction play, digital and written literacies, and inquiry-based learning. By the end of this course students should have the competencies to practice as a Registered Early Childhood Educator in a variety of settings, including Full Day Kindergarten.

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Field Placement Inclusive Community Practices


All Module 1, 2 and 3 courses, including ECE414.



Students will complete field practice throughout the semester, in an inclusive early childhood field placement. Students will draw from their knowledge of child development and their insights into individual children to plan, implement and reflect on developmentally appropriate investigations for individuals and the entire group. Students will design environments and emergent curriculum that is inclusive, play-based, meaningful, and responsive to children's interests and ideas. The role of the reflective practitioner as researcher, collaborator, documenter, and supporter of learning will be practiced. Learning experiences that connect children with nature will be planned, implemented, and evaluated. Students must consistently demonstrate skills in professionalism, keeping children safe and healthy, appropriate program planning, facilitation of learning, problem solving, positive behaviour guidance, and effective communication with children, teachers, parents, and other adults.

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Please note the Early Childhood Education program curriculum has changed for Winter 2024. For students who started the program prior to Winter 2024, please contact Georgette.bigelow@senecapolytechnic.ca for more information. 

General Education Requirements

In order to meet Seneca's breadth requirements for diploma or advanced diploma programs, students must successfully complete at least 3 General Education courses toward their program, satisfying the following criteria:

Please note:

  • Language courses at level 1 and 2 only are accepted as general education credits.
  • Students that are enrolled in BHS, ECE, SSW, SSWA, SSWG, SSWI or SSIA cannot take COM470 to gain a general education credit as it is too similar to core courses in these programs.

Program Outcomes

This Seneca program has been validated by the Credential Validation Service as an Ontario College Credential as required by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

As a graduate, you will be prepared to reliably demonstrate the ability to:

  • create learning contexts to enable, build and maintain caring, responsive relationships in partnerships with children, families and communities that value and respect social, cultural and linguistic diversity including Indigenous peoples' worldviews and Francophone identity.
  • co-create, facilitate and reflect upon inquiry and play-based early years and child care programs and pedagogical approaches to support children's learning, holistic development and well-being following children's capabilities, interests, ideas and experiences. 
  • co-design and maintain inclusive early learning environments to value and support equitable, accessible and meaningful learning opportunities for all children, their families and communities in a range of early years and child care settings.
  • collaborate with children, families, colleagues, agencies and community partners to create, maintain, evaluate and promote safe and healthy early learning environments to support independence, reasonable risk-taking and healthy development and well-being.
  • use observation strategies to identify children's strengths and challenges and to ascertain when children and families might benefit from additional support or community resources.
  • use professional communication in interactions with children, families, colleagues, employers, the regulatory body, government authorities and children's service agencies to meet legal and ethical standards of the early years sector. 
  • act in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations, College of Early Childhood Educators Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, agency policies and procedures and principles of evidence-informed practice and reflect upon their impact on one's own role in early years and child care settings.
  • identify, report and document when a child is in a situation of perceived risk for, or actual neglect or abuse, in accordance with legislation, the College of Early Childhood Educators Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, policies and procedures.
  • create and engage in partnerships with families, communities, colleagues, inter-disciplinary professionals, authorities and child service agencies to advocate for quality early years and child care programs and services.
  • engage in reflective practice and continuous professional learning in accordance with principles of lifelong learning, evidence-informed practices in the early years sector and requirements of the College of Early Childhood Educators.

Field Work and Required Documents

Students must register for fieldwork practice at the time they register for the concurrent course. Students must have copies of their medical, standard first aid / CPR level C, and Vulnerable Sector Screen to begin placement. Failure to provide these documents will delay the placement start date and missed days/hours will need to be made up. To view and download all required documentation, please visit our Forms web page.
ECE courses require that students use approved, licensed child care centres to complete assignments. Therefore, students must obtain the following documentation in order to access child care resources.

  1. Seneca's Medical Form completed by the student's physician and updated annually.
  2. Vulnerable Sector Police Reference Check
    • updated annually
    • obtained through the student's local police force. This can take up to 16 weeks to process depending on the police force. Please be sure to apply well in advance.
  3. Standard First Aid/Basic Rescuer - Level C CPR
    • updated prior to expiration.

This documentation must be completed by the conclusion of ECE112 and is time sensitive. It must be kept current by the student.

  • All in-person field placements must be completed within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
  • These forms must be completed and verified by Seneca field placement supervisor before students begin field placement

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session to learn more about the program and to connect with our team. 

Seneca Part-Time Early Childhood Education Information Session

Tuesday, April 8, 2025
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Register Now

Confirmation of registration and a unique link to join the information session will be provided upon registration.

Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning Assessment

Earn college credits for what you already know.
Prior Learning Assessment is a method of assessing and recognizing learning that is equal to college level learning, but has been gained outside a traditional classroom (through work experience, volunteering, outside study, etc.). If you can prove that the knowledge you have gained meets the outcomes of a Seneca course, then credit will be awarded.

How does the PLA process work?
Prior Learning is demonstrated through a "challenge" process. The process measures learning through a variety of methods which may include tests, portfolio assessment, interviews, demonstrations, essays, and work samples. The method used will be determined in consultation with a Program Coordinator.
For more information and to determine if you are eligible for PLA, please call the Program Coordinator.

The process may take from 6 to 8 weeks.

Note: Not all courses can be challenged. For more information go to PLA website or contact your Program Coordinator.

Transfer Credit

Many students who enter Seneca Polytechnic will have earned academic credits in postsecondary educational institutions which they may be able to apply toward completion of a Seneca Polytechnic program.

Requests for Transfer Credit must be for a specific course and must be accompanied by an official transcript and course outline. A minimum grade of "C" (60 percent) is generally required for a course to be considered for Transfer Credit.

Download a Transfer Credit Request form. An official copy of your transcript and applicable detailed course outlines should be attached and submitted. Please note it may take 4 to 6 weeks for a Transfer Credit decision.

More Information

Please visit the Office of the Registrar.


Build on your Seneca Polytechnic credential

As a leader in academic pathways, Seneca offers a range of options to help you build on your education. You can transfer existing credits from a completed program to other studies here or at partner institutions.

You may be eligible to pathway to the Bachelor of Business Administration program from your Ontario College diploma after you graduate. To explore your pathway options and learn more, explore the pathways to Seneca.

If you have additional questions regarding pathways, connect with our Academic Pathways team by phone at 416.764.0399, by email or book a virtual appointment with a Pathways Adviser.


When you meet all program requirements and become eligible for a certificate, diploma, or degree, you must inform the Registrar by completing a Graduation Application form and paying the graduation and alumni fee. Certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees are issued twice a year in the Fall (October), Spring (June) and Winter (February).

For further information including deadlines and fees, please visit the Convocation website or contact the Convocation Office at theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca.

Minimum Performance for Graduation

A student will be eligible to graduate from a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate certificate program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.0.

A student will be eligible to graduate from a degree program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.5, which includes a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the courses in their main field of study and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in breadth courses.


We endeavour to offer courses every semester at the Newnham Campus. However, due to minimum enrolment requirements, all courses may not be offered every semester. In addition to the 20 ECE full credits, this diploma program requires 585 hours of supervised fieldwork practicum, and a valid certificate in Standard First Aid/Basic Rescuer - Level C CPR.

ECE Grants

To learn more about financial support and to apply for ECE grants, please visit the Ontario ECE Qualifications Upgrade Program website.

OSAP Funding Available

OSAP Funding Available

This program is eligible for OSAP funding.

Course load is used by OSAP to determine funding options for programs.

If you are taking one to two courses at the same time, you may be considered for part-time student grants and loans.

  • one course (20 per cent)
  • two courses (40 per cent)

If you are taking three or more courses at the same time, you may be considered for full-time student grants and loans.

  • three courses (60 per cent)
  • four courses (80 per cent)
  • five courses (100 per cent)

To find out if you qualify and to learn how to apply, please visit the OSAP website.

For information on other awards and financial assistance, please see Financial Aid.

Program Contacts

Georgina Ioannou
Program Assistant

Georgette Bigelow
Part-time Program Coordinator

Dedra Profitt
Academic Program Manager

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.