Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.




This program is designed to meet the challenging standards of the fashion industry. Applying professional practices, students learn the essential skills to draft patterns to produce a variety of garments. Emphasis on craftsmanship and speed is combined with a professional approach to practical courses. Graduates may elect to be entrepreneurs in their own business or work in the industry.

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.

Entry Requirements


It is your responsibility to ensure that program requirements and course prerequisites as outlined are met. Prerequisites are included for your academic protection. Knowledge of the prerequisite material is assumed by your instructor and instruction will proceed accordingly. Students lacking prerequisites not only jeopardize their own ability to succeed but present unnecessary interruption. If you lack appropriate prerequisites (or Transfer Credit for the prerequisite course) you may be asked to withdraw or transfer to a more appropriate course with the risk of academic/financial penalty.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Basics of Garment Construction

This course introduces students to the industrial sewing machine, simple patterns and basic fabric preparation. Preparation of fabric, correct measuring, layouts & cutting procedures precede the construction of two garments. Garments are constructed using recognized industrial methods with an industrial single needle machine and a serger.

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Fashion Design

This course assists students to develop an imaginative, skillful and sensitive approach to fashion design. A series of creative projects and drawing exercises allows the exploration of the elements of design. Working with different media strengthens the sense of aesthetics and design organization skill in fashion.

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Pattern Making Level I



Students learn the basic principles of pattern drafting, using flat pattern methods and basic pattern designing. Topics include use of traditional darted blocks, skirt and bodice, with special emphasis on dart control and manipulation, yokes, flaring techniques, fullness, facings and waistbands.

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Pattern Making Level II



Students are introduced to advanced pattern making techniques used in the drafting of dresses, blouses and shirts, and drafting of the sleeve block into more stylized sleeves. Emphasis is placed on accuracy, fit, and the correct interpretation of styling for design purposes, as well as preparation of dartless blocks. Flat pattern methods using darted and dartless blocks are also included.

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Pattern Making Level III



This course builds on the knowledge and skills learned in DCP120 & DCP220. The student is introduced to more advanced pattern making skills, including the pant and raglan sleeves. This course also covers blocks and patterns for jackets, including two piece sleeve and notched collar.

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Custom Block Making



Endless styling and design possibilities exist when students have their own comprehensive and verified blocks. This course integrates accurate measuring and personal fitting techniques enabling students to draft a complete set of customized master blocks. Using a step-by-step approach, students produce a custom fitted set of blocks that include bodices, skirts, sleeves and pants.

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Other Courses of Interest

Grading Techniques



Grading Techniques is designed to introduce students to the principles and methods of pattern grading for apparel. Concepts of body growth, figure types, standardized sizing and grade distribution will be introduced. Methods of resourcing and applying sizing standards to produce a range of sizes from a master pattern will be introduced. Major emphasis is placed on the application of grading techniques.

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PAD System Pattern Design and Grading



This course is an introduction to computer aided design using PAD System Software. Students will digitize patterns, manipulate basic blocks, grade and create piece lists using the software to meet industry needs.

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Program Outcomes

Upon graduation, successful students will be able to:

  1. Prepare the industrial sewing machine and serger for use.
  2. Operate the industrial sewing machine and serger.
  3. Use patterns following the correct cutting instructions.
  4. Construct samples that show alternative methods of constructing garments.
  5. Draft patterns for garments of various designs and fabrics.
  6. Conduct a thorough individual custom fitting.
  7. Produce a custom fitted set of blocks that include bodices, skirts, sleeves and pants.
  8. Assess the principles of line, shape, space and form related to fashion design.
  9. Illustrate features of a garment through the use of technical drawings and presentation boards.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Certificate of Completion Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Certificate of Completion will be sent to you electronically.

Program Contacts

Maria Graziosi
Program Assistant

Melanie Rubens
Program Coordinator

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.