School of Fashion

Liane Low

Liane Low

Event Management – Creative Design

“Despite coming into it from an entirely different career path, the hands-on nature of the Event Management – Creative Design program at Seneca allowed me to transition seamlessly into the industry, surpassing the confines of traditional classroom education.”

For Liane Low, an event manager at the Graydon Hall Manor, a Toronto-based wedding and event venue that’s among the best in Canada, the EVC program was transformative: from projects and field trips that allowed them to build a strong foundation in event management knowledge and skills, to networking opportunities with other talented peers and industry veterans.

Two experiences were especially memorable for Low: testing their event management know-how by preparing for and participating in Bloor Street Entertains, Canada’s largest annual fundraising gala that supports the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research; competing in Inspired Spaces, the annual tabletop competition for students in the EVC program where their creations are critiqued by a panel of industry professionals.