11 Weeks (21 Hours)


Enabling Risk in Outdoor Education (FNP100)

Focus on designing outdoor play spaces to enable risk and create adventurous outdoor learning environments.

Please note: This microcredential is delivered in a hybrid format, meaning there is a combination of live virtual sessions, self-directed modules, and a three-hour in-person forest walk in your community, scheduled independently near the end of the microcredential.

Skills and competencies

  • design outdoor play spaces to enable risk
  • create outdoor learning environments geared for adventure and challenge
  • structure risky play with assessment tools
Enabling Risk in Outdoor Education

Indigenous Connectivity (FNP103)

Explore the world view of many Indigenous peoples that everything in the world is connected. Experience forest school land-based pedagogies and teachings, supported by an Elder. Participate in gratitude and reciprocity of the land to build deeper ecological connections.

Skills and competencies

  • co-design culturally meaningful connections to nature spaces
  • create opportunities for intergenerational/indigenous knowledge sharing
  • evaluate reflective tools for pedagogical practice
  • define your commitment to Truth and Reconciliation
Indigenous Connectivity

Outdoor Pedagogy Narratives (FNP104)

Develop an inquiry-based pedagogy of outdoor learning through reflective narratives individually and with colleagues.

Skills and competencies

  • critique mandated Ontario early year curriculums using an outdoor learning lens
  • construct a teaching philosophy that aligns with outdoor pedagogy and practices
  • develop a place-based child-led outdoor curriculum
Outdoor Narratives

Re-conceptualizing Outdoor Learning (FNP102)

Create a joint understanding of an outdoor living curriculum, in community, that challenges traditional fields of thought in education.  

Skills and competencies

  • analyze the view of the child within an outdoor learning community
  • critique the view of the educator through pedagogical narration
  • re-conceptualize the outdoor curriculum with an environmental lens
Re-conceptualizing Outdoor Learning