7 Weeks (24 Hours) per microcredential

About the Program

Build in-demand investigative and digital security skills with our suite of six cybersecurity microcredentials:  

  • Cyber-Investigations - Fundamentals of Cybersecurity & Investigation,
  • Investigative Interviewing
  • Cyber-Investigations – Open-Source Intelligence
  • Cyberthreats & Risk Management: Security Awareness & Mitigation
  • Cyber Investigations II: Contact Tracing & Investigating Networks
  • Engage for Career Success in Cyber-Investigations

These innovative microcredentials will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to help protect the infrastructure and assets of organizations and communities from cyberattacks, complex scams and organized crimes.

They will be of interest to graduates of the Police Foundations or a related postsecondary program or to those looking to upskill or reskill in preparation for careers in Canada’s rapidly growing cybersecurity field.  

Program Highlights

  • earn stackable microcredentials for each of the six microcredentials
  • introduces key concepts and competencies for securing the digital and physical infrastructure of organizations and protecting against threats, particularly related to cyberattacks and scams
  • prepares you for an in-demand career in the critical cybersecurity field
  • convenient online course delivery allows you to work at your own pace
  • offered in collaboration with Investigative Solutions Network Inc. and corporate clients
  • developed in partnership with L.E.A.D Solutions Inc.
ISN | Investigative Solutions Network Inc.
LEAD logo

These microcredentials were developed with funding from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

Your Career

Prepare for a career as a professional enhancing the digital and physical security of communities and organizations and mitigating ongoing threats from criminal activities. Career opportunities exist within both the public and private sector across Ontario and beyond.  

What is a Microcredential?

A microcredential is a short course designed to help you upskill, reskill and boost new skills development. Seneca’s career- and profession-based microcredentials provide focused learning that add value to your existing education and enhance your employability. You will learn in-demand skills and knowledge and benefit from flexible options including different delivery modes, durations and start times.


Investigative Interviewing
Fund. of Security & Investigations
Open Source Intelligence
Security Awareness and Mitigation

This microcredential is issued in the form of a digital badge. Data embedded in the badge identifies the institution that issued it, along with the competencies, evidence and criteria that was required to earn it. Earners can display their badges on social media sites, electronic portfolios and resumés.



Get industry-specific experience to prepare for a career in this sector. 

Earn microcredentials 

Build your resumé with our suite of four cybersecurity microcredentials.


Study online and learn in a way that works for you.


Learn from experts with real-world knowledge of cyberthreats.