4 Semesters (2 Years)
Ontario College Diploma


Delivery: At Seneca, courses are delivered in the following formats: online, in-person, hybrid (an online, in-person combination) or flexible (offered in-person and online at the same time).

The chart below outlines the delivery options available for each course in this program. For some academic terms, there may be more than one delivery option available. You’ll be able to select your preferred options when building your course schedule during open enrolment.

Preferences for course delivery will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

International students: the impact of studying from outside of Canada and Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility differs significantly based on when you start your program. Please review the PGWP eligibility before choosing your program and course delivery.


Semester 1

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
COM101 or
Communicating Across Contexts or
Communicating Across Contexts (Enriched)
RPA107 Spreadsheet Analysis I  Not offered  Not offered  Online
RPA112 The Appraisal of Real Estate  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
RPA115 Mortgage Underwriting  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
RPA120 Principles of Microeconomics  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
plus: General Education Course (1)

Semester 2

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
RPA208 Canadian Real Property Law and Real Estate Ethics  In-person  Not offered  Not offered
RPA210 Municipal Tax Administration  Online  Not offered  Not offered
RPA212 Real Estate Investment Analysis and Adv. Income App.  In-person  Not offered  Not offered
RPA220 Ethical Guide for the Assessor  In-person  Not offered  Not offered
plus: General Education Course (1)

Semester 3

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
CSP201 Communication Skills for Public Administration  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
FPL355 Field Placement I  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
RPA304 Advanced Real Property Assessment I  Not offered  Not offered  Online
RPA306 Construction and Cost Techniques  Not offered  Not offered  Online
RPA307 Statistical and Computer Applications in Valuation  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
RPA323 Assessment Appeals  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
plus: General Education Course (1)

Semester 4

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
FPL455 Field Placement II  In-person  Not offered  Not offered
RPA407 Spreadsheet Analysis II  In-person  Not offered  Not offered
RPA414 Alternative Dispute Resolution  Online  Not offered  Not offered
RPA415 Professional Issues in the Assessment Industry  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
RPA422 Residential Data Collection  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
RPA423 Appeals in Practice  Online  Not offered  Not offered
RPA426 Income Properties  Online  Not offered  Not offered

Program Learning Outcomes

Learn more about program learning outcomes for this program.

Program of Study