3 Semesters (13 Months)
Ontario College Diploma


Delivery: At Seneca, courses are delivered in the following formats: online, in-person, hybrid (an online, in-person combination) or flexible (offered in-person and online at the same time).

The chart below outlines the delivery options available for each course in this program. For some academic terms, there may be more than one delivery option available. You’ll be able to select your preferred options when building your course schedule during open enrolment.

Preferences for course delivery will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

Semester 1

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
LGL151 Introduction to the Legal System for Paralegals  Not offered  In-person  In-person
LGL152 Contracts and Torts for Paralegals  Not offered  Hybrid  Hybrid
LGL153 Legal Entities and Relationships  Not offered  Online  Online
LGL154 Computer Applications for Paralegals  Not offered  In-person  In-person
LGL156 Administrative Law for Paralegals  Not offered  Hybrid  Hybrid
LGL160 Legal Drafting and Communication  Not offered  In-person  In-person
LGL225 Immigration Law  Not offered  Online  Online
LGL250 Legal Research for Paralegals  Not offered  Hybrid  Hybrid

Semester 2

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
LGL251 Employment Law For Paralegals  Hybrid  Not offered  Hybrid
LGL252 Residential Landlord and Tenant Law for Paralegals  Hybrid  Not offered  Hybrid
PLA350 Legal Accounting  In-person  Not offered  In-person
PLE351 Evidence and the Litigation Process  Hybrid  Not offered  Hybrid
PLO352 Criminal Law/Summary Conviction Procedure  Hybrid  Not offered  Hybrid
PLT353 Tribunal Practice and Procedure  In-person  Not offered  In-person
PLY354 Computer Applications for Paralegals  Online  Not offered  Online

Semester 3

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
FPL491 Field Placement for Paralegals  In-person  In-person  Not offered
PLC450 Small Claims Court - Practice and Procedure  Hybrid  Hybrid  Not offered
PLD451 Advocacy  In-person  In-person  Not offered
PLE452 Ethics and Professional Responsibility  In-person  In-person  Not offered
PLN455 Alternative Dispute Resolution  In-person  In-person  Not offered
PLO453 Provincial Offences/ Motor Vehicle Offences  Hybrid  Hybrid  Not offered
PLP454 Practice Management and Business Communications  In-person  In-person  Not offered
PLR311 Refugee Law for Paralegals  Online  Online  Not offered

Program Learning Outcomes

Learn more about program learning outcomes for this program.

Program of Study