2 Semesters (8 Months)
Credential Awarded
Ontario College Certificate


Delivery: At Seneca, courses are delivered in the following formats: online, in-person, hybrid (an online, in-person combination) or flexible (offered in-person and online at the same time).

The chart below outlines the delivery options available for each course in this program. For some academic terms, there may be more than one delivery option available. You’ll be able to select your preferred options when building your course schedule during open enrolment.

Preferences  for course delivery will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

International students: the impact of studying from outside of Canada and Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility differs significantly based on when you start your program. Please review the PGWP eligibility before choosing your program and course delivery.


Semester 1

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
IMP101 Audio and Studio I  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP102 Sound and Recording I  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP111 Songwriting I  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP112 Music Theory / History  Online  Online  Online
IMP121 Industry Overview  Online  Online  Online
IMP122 Business I  Online  Online  Online
IMP201 Audio and Studio II  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP202 Sound and Recording II  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP203 Introduction to MIDI  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP211 Songwriting II  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP212 Artist Development  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP222 Business II  Online  Online  Online
IMP403 Photography  In-person  In-person  In-person

Semester 2

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
IMP301 Production Mastering I  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP302 Sound and Recording III  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP304 Mentoring I  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP310 Live Sound  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP311 Artist Development II  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP321 Marketing Promo.  Online  Online  Online
IMP322 Small Business I  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP323 Copyrights Contracts Legal  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP324 Merchandising Duplication and Distribution  Online  Online  Online
IMP401 Production Mastering II  Hybrid  Hybrid  Hybrid
IMP411 Artist Development III  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP413 Musical Collaborations  In-person  In-person  In-person
IMP422 Small Business II  Online  Online  Online
IMP500 Major Project  Hybrid  Hybrid  Hybrid

Program Learning Outcomes

Learn more about program learning outcomes for this program.

Program of Study