8 Semesters (4 Years)
Honours Bachelor Degree


Delivery: At Seneca, courses are delivered in the following formats: online, in-person, hybrid (an online, in-person combination) or flexible (offered in-person and online at the same time).

The chart below outlines the delivery options available for each course in this program. For some academic terms, there may be more than one delivery option available. You’ll be able to select your preferred options when building your course schedule during open enrolment.

Preferences for course delivery will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

International students: the impact of studying from outside of Canada and Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility differs significantly based on when you start your program. Please review the PGWP eligibility before choosing your program and course delivery.


Semester 1

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BAB100 Introduction to Canadian Business  In-person  Not offered  In-person
BTL100 Computer Foundations for Developers  In-person  Not offered  In-person
BTO125 Introduction to Operating Systems  In-person  Not offered  In-person
BTP100 Programming Fundamentals Using C  In-person  Not offered  In-person
ENG106 Writing Strategies  Online
 Not offered  Hybrid

Semester 2

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BTC240 Interpersonal Communications in Organizations  In-person  In-person  Not offered
BTD210 Database Design Principles  In-person  In-person  Not offered
BTI225 Web Programming Principles  In-person  In-person  Not offered
BTL200 Mathematics for Developers  In-person  In-person  Not offered
BTP200 The Object-Oriented Paradigm Using C++  In-person  In-person  Not offered
plus: Liberal Studies Course (1)

Semester 3

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BTD315 Advanced Database Technologies  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTI325 Web Programming Tools and Frameworks  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTL300 Statistics for Developers  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTP305 Object-Oriented Software Development Using C++  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTS330 Business Requirements Analysis Using OO Models  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
LSP400 Presentation Skills  Online
 Not offered  Online

Semester 4

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BTC440 Business and Technical Writing  Online  Online  Online
BTI425 Web Programming for Apps and Services  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
BTN415 Data Communications Programming  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
BTP405 System Development and Design  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
BTS435 System Analysis and Design  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered

Semester 5

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BAB235 Introduction to Marketing  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
BTH545 Principles of GUI Design and Programming  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTP500 Data Structures and Algorithms  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTS535 Software Project Management  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
WTP200 Work Term Preparation  Not offered  Not offered  Online
plus: Professional Options (1)

Semester 6

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BTH650 Advanced User Interface Design  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
BTP610 Mobile Applications  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
BTS530 Major Project - Planning and Design TBD TBD TBD
plus: Liberal Studies Course (1)
plus: Professional Options (1)

Work-Integrated Learning Term 1

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BSD771 Software Development, Co-op  Not offered  Hybrid
 Not offered

Semester 7

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BTE620 Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTH745 Human-Computer Interaction  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTN710 Information Security  Not offered  Not offered  In-person
BTP605 Design Patterns in the Enterprise  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid
BTS630 Major Project - Implementation  Not offered  Not offered  Hybrid

Work-Integrated Learning Term 2

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BSD772 Software Development, Co-op II  Hybrid
 Not offered  Not offered

Semester 8

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BTM710 Research Methods  Not offered  Flexible  Not offered
BTM800 Technology Planning and Acquisition  Not offered  Flexible  Not offered
plus: Liberal Studies Course (1)
plus: Professional Options (2)

Professional Options

Semester 5 (select one course), Semester 6 (select one course), Semester 8 (select 2 courses)

Course Code Course Name Winter Summer Fall
BDA420 High Performance Computing  Online  Not offered  Online
BTP610 Mobile Applications  Hybrid  Not offered  Not offered
DPI910 Web Application Security Assessment TBD TBD TBD
DPI912 Python for Programmers: Sockets and Security  Online  Online  Not offered
DPS530 Cross-platform App Development  Not offered  Online  Not offered
DPS909 Topics in Open Source Development  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
DPS911 Open Source Project  Online  Not offered  Not offered
DPS912 Topics in UNIX Systems Programming  Not offered  Online  Not offered
DPS920 Computer Vision  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
DPS921 Parallel Algorithms And Programming Techniques  Online  Not offered  Not offered
DPS923 Mobile App Development - iOS  Not offered  Online  Not offered
DPS924 Mobile App Development - Android  Online  Not offered  Not offered
DPS931 Game Engine Foundations TBD TBD TBD
DPS936 Game Content Creation  Not offered  Online  Not offered
DPS937 Game Development Fundamentals  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
DPS941 Mobile Robotics Software Design  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
DPS955 Cloud Computing for Programmers  Not offered  Not offered  Flexible
DPS970 AI for Software Developers TBD TBD TBD
SEP700 Compiler Design TBD TBD TBD

Program Learning Outcomes

Learn more about program learning outcomes for this program.

Program of Study

Seneca has been granted a consent by the Minister of Colleges and Universities to offer this degree for a seven-year term starting Apr. 9, 2021. In conformity with the Minister's criteria and requirements, Seneca will submit an application for the renewal of the consent for this program 12 months prior to the expiration of the consent. Seneca shall ensure that all students admitted to the above-named program during the period of consent will have the opportunity to complete the program within a reasonable time frame.