Seneca News

The new refraction lab for Opticianry students at Newnham Campus is just one of a few learning spaces getting renovated at Seneca this fall. (Photo: submitted)

New student and lab spaces shaping up at Seneca

Renovations include areas for opticianry, marketing and animation students

Nov. 25, 2021

Virtuoso contractor Mike Holmes would be proud. Seneca has donned its hard hat and has been very busy in recent months renovating dozens of classrooms and spaces with some spectacular results.

More than 100 classrooms across all campuses have been reconfigured for flexible learning, one of the four program and course delivery options offered this fall and winter.

And as Seneca’s safe and gradual reopening continues, here’s a look at four other renovation projects that are upgrading and expanding learning and teaching spaces for students and faculty. 

1. Refraction lab shines a new light for Opticianry students

Students in the Opticianry diploma program can look forward to a new, state-of-the-art refraction lab at Newnham Campus. Part of Seneca Au Large, the lab is designed to mirror a clinical setting. Students will be developing and refining the skills they’ll need to measure the power of eyeglasses and contact lenses during eye exams.

The lab features new audio-visual technology and industry-standard equipment.

2. Marketing agency lab provides inspiring space for collaboration

The new student-run marketing agency lab at Seneca@York is designed to provide real-world opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning, entrepreneurial skill development and work-integrated learning.

The agency concept for the lab provides a non-traditional learning environment to bring together students from a variety of backgrounds within the School of Marketing. They will be collaborating on applied research projects or developing marketing strategies for small- and medium-sized businesses as part of their program.

3. Animation Arts Centre gets a new look for a growing number of creative students

The Animation Arts Centre, also at Seneca@York, has been renovated to meet increased enrolment in the Animation and 3D Animation programs. By rearranging the rooms and improving digital infrastructure, the spaces are now more flexible and can accommodate twice as many students.

Besides converting a classroom and a studio to specialty computer labs, a new drawing studio has been added. Each of the animation tables features a professional tablet that allows students to draw digitally. As well, side tables allow students to connect to the instructor’s station through Zoom. This feature can be accessed on site or remotely, allowing for flexible program delivery.

4. Adding student-friendly spaces at Markham Campus

Markham Campus is getting refreshed in time for in-person activities at the Seneca International Academy (SIA) this winter. Work being done this term include a new Seneca Student Federation office on the garden level, a new welcome desk and lounge in the lobby, and new student seating on the third and fourth floors. The comprehensive renovation of Markham Campus will take place over the next few years in phases.