Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Certificate of Completion

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The TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is a part-time program that prepares individuals to teach English language skills to adult learners. It is designed for both experienced and novice teachers.

A TEFL Certificate of Completion is designed for people who plan to teach English to non-native learners of English outside Canada.

An enterprising individual might complete the TEFL Certificate of Completion in as little as two semesters.

Have questions about Seneca's part-time Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language programs?

Book a day and time to chat with us. Please note: all bookings are for phone call appointments. We are not conducting in-person meetings at this time.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the TEFL Certificate of Completion will gain the knowledge necessary to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in programs offered overseas. However, different countries have different minimum standards of teacher education. For example, many schools in foreign countries require English teachers to have a university degree. Therefore, it is highly recommended that prospective TEFL students investigate the specific educational requirements of the foreign schools they are interested in working for. Prospective students may find additional information about career prospects teaching English abroad at http://www.eslcafe.com

Entry Requirements

English Assessment. The prerequisites for entry into the TEFL program are ESL089 and ESL934. Please see English Assessment for registration details.

Once you have completed your English Assessment, forward a copy of your results to Jennifer Stemerdink (Jennifer.Stemerdink@senecapolytechnic.ca). Students who meet the entry requirements will then be emailed a formal acceptance letter.


It is your responsibility to ensure that program requirements and course prerequisites as outlined are met. Prerequisites are included for your academic protection. Knowledge of the prerequisite material is assumed by your instructor and instruction will proceed accordingly. Students lacking prerequisites not only jeopardize their own ability to succeed but present unnecessary interruption. If you lack appropriate prerequisites (or Transfer Credit for the prerequisite course) you may be asked to withdraw or transfer to a more appropriate course with the risk of academic/financial penalty.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.



Understanding and Explaining Grammar


Program admission to TESL or TEFL

This course offers students the theory and practice required to explain grammar form and function to the adult ESL learner.


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Program admission to TESL or TEFL

This course presents students with an overview of the foundations in syntax, morphology, phonetics/phonology etcetera and the applications of such to the adult ESL learner.

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Culture and Society / Social Foundations in ESL


Program admission to TESL or TEFL

This course examines cultural and sociolinguistic issues affecting language learning.

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Second Language Pedagogy


TSL200 and TSL201

The methodology of second language teaching is crucial to the success of the adult learner. The methodology of teaching ESL students in different skills areas such as conversation, listening, reading and writing is discussed.

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Principles of Evaluation


TSL200 and TSL201



Acquiring skills in the evaluation of students' work is critical to becoming a successful teacher. This course teaches students the principles and tools of ESL assessment and gives students practical guidance on using and developing tasks in different language settings such as EAP and settlement-oriented ESL (PBLA).

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The TEFL Certificate of Completion provides specialized knowledge and skills in the following areas: Methodology, Linguistics, Phonetics/Phonology, Culture and Society, Evaluation, Pedagogical Grammar and Second Language Acquisition.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Certificate of Completion Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Certificate of Completion will be sent to you electronically.

Program Contacts

Jennifer Stemerdink
Program Assistant

Rosemare Mariaseelan
Academic Program Manager

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.