Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.




These courses are designed for students who want to learn or refresh their knowledge of the grammatical structures in English. In addition, these courses are highly recommended for students who are making consistent errors in their writing.

Entry Requirements

English Assessment and Placement

Students are required to complete an assessment for the ESL courses listed in this package. There is a non-refundable/non-transferable assessment fee of $35.00. The assessment identifies the appropriate course and level of study.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Grammar for Writing


ESL932 or equivalent, or permission from coordinator.

In this course, students develop proficient editing skills that enable them to identify grammatical weaknesses in their own writing. Through a focus on error analysis and guided practice, students will learn to become independent self-editors and be able to apply the strategies acquired beyond the duration of this course.

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English as a Second Language courses are offered in Classroom format.

The classroom format offers the student an interactive classroom experience, the discipline of a regular weekly or bi-weekly meeting, and a regular schedule of assignments.

Program Contacts

Peggy Luk
Program Assistant

Rosemare Mariaseelan
Academic Program Manager