To identify the principles that govern Seneca’s use of social media platforms.
Social Media Policy
This policy applies to the use of social media platforms by any employee on behalf of a Seneca faculty, school, program, course, department, service area or as part of their work responsibilities. It also extends to employees using non-affiliated accounts and external service providers and contractors who manage Seneca-affiliated social media accounts on Seneca’s behalf.
Key Definitions
Account administrator
Any Seneca employee permitted to manage a Seneca-affiliated account on a social networking platform with the ability to post, respond to, edit or delete content.
Seneca-affiliated account
Any presence on a social networking platform using, under authorization, the Seneca name and/or logo.
Non-affiliated account
Any account on a social platform that has not been authorized by Seneca’s Marketing & Communications department to represent Seneca and use the Seneca name and/or logo.
Seneca main accounts
The official @senecacollege social media accounts managed by Marketing & Communications to represent Seneca on social media platforms.
Social networking site
Any form of online presence or publication that provides a platform for individuals to engage in networking activities, discussions or publish information on the internet.
Social networking
The use of any social networking platform that provides an opportunity for individuals to engage in networking activities or publish information on the internet.
1. Policy statement
- The use of social media platforms should be consistent, prioritize institutional reputation and reflect Seneca’s Brand Guidelines across every touchpoint, internal and external.
- Any social networking activities affiliated with Seneca’s brand must be clear, concise, relevant to the institution, and follow Seneca’s Brand Guidelines, Writing Style Guide and the Social Media Policy.
- Personal social networking activity by Seneca employees on non-Seneca affiliated social networking accounts is subject to Seneca's Respectful Workplace Policy.
- The views and opinions expressed by Seneca employees on non-Seneca affiliated social networking accounts are those of the employee, and do not necessarily reflect Seneca’s views or positions.
- Professors using non-Seneca affiliated social networking accounts for academic purposes must ensure the social media use aligns with the stated learning outcomes of the course and/or learning activity, communicate why and how social media tools are to be used and what is expected from students.
- Recordings of lectures and other academic activities reproduced or distributed using social media are subject to Seneca’s Recording Lectures and Educational Activities Policy.
2. Roles and responsibilities
- Marketing & Communications:
- reviews and approves the creation of all Seneca-affiliated social media accounts
- monitors activity across all Seneca-affiliated social media accounts, providing advice on content when necessary
- provides regular training and ongoing individual consultations related to social media issues, including launching Seneca-affiliated social media accounts
- Seneca-affiliated account administrators:
- adhere to Seneca’s Social Media Policy
- ensure the social media account(s) they manage follow Seneca’s Brand Guidelines, Writing Style Guide, Respectful Workplace Policy and Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- update and monitor the account(s) and respond to user comments and questions
- Supervisors:
- build responsibilities related to Seneca-affiliated social media account administration into account administrators’ job description
- ensure there is coverage of Seneca-affiliated social media accounts outside of regular business hours, where appropriate
- establish coverage for account administrators during their vacations or leaves of absence
3. Account creation
- Administrators will need to obtain permission from Marketing & Communications prior to creating a social media account for use on behalf of any Seneca academic, service or administrative department, including Seneca’s logo or other brand assets.
- Approved Seneca-affiliated social media accounts will be tracked by the Marketing & Communications department.
4. Administration
- Each Seneca-affiliated social media account must have a designated account administrator and be linked to a Seneca email account.
- Account administrators are responsible for ensuring that inappropriate, offensive and/or illegal content is not posted and/or removed immediately upon becoming aware of such content.
- Account administrators should not share confidential information about Seneca, students, employees, alumni or other members of the Seneca community through social media accounts.
- Account administrators must obtain written consent from affected parties before posting photos, videos, quotes or personal statements on a social media account.
- Seneca reserves the right to delete any Seneca-affiliated social media account in violation of the Social Media Policy, Respectful Workplace Policy or Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
- Seneca may modify or delete content on any Seneca-affiliated social media account at its discretion.
- Only Seneca-wide social media accounts administered by the Marketing & Communications department will post original content about emergency events or inclement weather unless otherwise directed by the Marketing & Communications department or the President’s Office.
5. Account security
- Each Seneca-affiliated social media account must be password-secured by the respective account administrator, supervisor and the Communications department.
- Login credentials for each Seneca-affiliated social media account must be shared and maintained in confidence among the respective account administrator, supervisor and the Communications department.
Supporting Documentation
- Seneca's Brand Guidelines
- Seneca's Writing Style Guide
- Privacy Commissioner of Canada - privacy and social media in the workplace
- Social Media Support space for Seneca Affiliate accounts (in development)
Related Seneca Policies
- Copyright Policy
- Discrimination and Harassment Policy
- Fair Dealing for Copyright-Protected Work Policy
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Policy
- Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Personal Safety/Security Threats Policy
- Recording Lectures and Educational Activities Policy
- Respectful Workplace Policy
- Student Code of Conduct
Related Materials
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982
- Canadian Human Rights Act, R.S.C., 1985, Chapter H-6
- Copyright Act, R.S.C., 1985, Chapter C-42
- Criminal Code R.S.C., 1985, Chapter C-46
- Facebook Principles
- Facebook Terms of Service
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter F.31
- Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.19
- Instagram Terms of Use
- LinkedIn User Agreement
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.1
- Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, S.O. 2004, Chapter 3, Schedule A
- Seneca Social Media Directory
- Twitter Terms of Service
- YouTube Terms of Service
Approval Date: March 2022
Last Revision: March 2022