Frequently Asked Questions


Visit the Apply to Seneca web page for instructions on how to apply to your desired program(s).

Seneca will accept your application to a program up to the fourth day of classes, as long as there is still room in the program. Note that some popular or highly competitive programs will fill up quickly, so you should apply as early as possible. Visit the Ontario Colleges website for information about Seneca's equal consideration date.

If you are a mature applicant and you do not have transcripts that show your success in prerequisite English and mathematics courses, you will receive instructions on how to take the pre-admission test(s) and fee details.

All transcripts should be submitted through your Ontario Colleges account. Visit the Ontario Colleges website for information on how to obtain and submit your transcripts.

Seneca will accept high school and postsecondary transcripts from outside of Canada that have been evaluated by a recognized agency such as ICAS, WES, ICES or IQAS. If you experience difficulty reaching any of these agencies, please send an email to

If you are applying to a certificate, diploma and advanced diploma program, and are 19 years of age or older, you may qualify by attending pre-admission testing for mature applicants.

Seneca will send you an email with your Seneca ID approximately 24 hours after you submit your application online. Use your Seneca ID to log in to Student Home and follow the status of your application within the “Admissions” tile. If you do not receive an email from Seneca, please contact the ITS Service Desk at to obtain your details.

If we receive all the information and documentation needed to determine your eligibility for the program(s) of your choice, you will be notified by email that you have been accepted to study at Seneca. This process could take up to one week, depending on the method you used to submit your documents.

A waiting list is created when all the available seats in a program are filled by qualified applicants. Seneca is not able to predict if or when you will be offered a space in the program. However, seats may open up following key dates such as confirmation or payment deadlines.

Your status on the waiting list will not change even when you confirm an offer to another program at Seneca or another institution. Seats may become available anytime up to, and including, the first week of classes. If you receive an offer and have already paid tuition elsewhere, you may want to withdraw from the other program. If the program you are withdrawing from is at Seneca, you will be able to transfer your deposit from one program to another without penalty.

Please be advised that other institutions may charge a withdrawal fee, so it is recommended that you research their withdrawal refund policy before you confirm and pay your tuition

After you have received and confirmed your offer of admission, you will be asked to pay a $200 non-refundable deposit to hold your seat in the program. Your tuition deposit due date will be included in your offer letter and is also noted on Seneca’s list of Important Academic Dates.

Your offer letter and other important Seneca letters can be found on Student Home within the “Communication Center” tile.

If there is space in your program beyond the tuition deposit deadline, you can still pay fees and join the program. Seneca will continue to admit applicants on a first-come, first-served basis while there are still seats available in the program. 

To find out if a program is still available, contact admissions by emailing or by phone at 416.764.9900. If the program is full, Seneca will place you on the waitlist and notify you if a spot becomes available.

You must submit a Withdraw Form: Full-time Program form before the 10th day of class to receive a refund less the $200 non-refundable tuition deposit. After the 10th day of class, refunds will not be issued. Review the Tuition Fee and Refund Policy for details.

An offer of admission cannot be deferred. You must re-apply for future start dates. You may use your September application to apply to programs beginning in the following January or May program start dates. If there is a January or May session, you will need to log into the Ontario Colleges website and change your program choice.

For programs starting in the following September or later, use the Program Transfer form to submit a new application instead of reapplying through Ontario Colleges.

Please visit the list of important academic dates and select the appropriate term.

Transfer credits are granted for courses taken at other postsecondary institutions and are deemed equivalent to a required course for your Seneca program. Learn more about transfer credits.

All students must pay the $200 non-refundable admission fee deposit by the deadline date to secure your seat. Seneca does not have a policy to reduce or waive the deposit.

All students must complete all their conditions by the deadline noted in their offer letter.

The admissions office will withdraw you from the program and the admissions deposit will not be refunded. It is your responsibility to make sure all your conditions are completed before the first day of classes.