
Carrie Smith
Seneca Advanced Diploma
Degree Program and Institution
The Seneca Experience
Why did you decide to enrol in the Environmental Technology Advanced Diploma program at Seneca?
After 12 years in the IT industry, I decided it was time for a career change. The Environmental Technology program at Seneca offered not only knowledge, but experience through their co-op program and employer partnerships.
How would you describe your experience at Seneca?
Throughout my three years at Seneca, I met so many great people who are still part of my network today. The faculty provided real-world examples based on years of experience while leveraging up-to-date tools, trends and processes in the classroom.
Seneca provided me with a space to test my limits, share ideas, learn from my colleagues and grow both personally and professionally.
What was your most memorable experience at Seneca?
I had the opportunity to provide tutoring to students across several subjects. Being able to help others is something that has always been important to me. Seneca not only gave me an opportunity to forge a new career, but to also give back to others while doing so.
Did you participate in any extracurriculars? How did that impact you as a person?
I had the opportunity to lead a team of students in organizing The Water Conundrum: Excess and Scarcity event, one of the first Environmental Technology events for Engineering Week. Making this event happen required collaborative teamwork, funding partnerships and tapping into industry partnerships and networks.
The event was an overwhelming success that provided students with the opportunity to learn and network with industry professionals. This event showcased why environmental engineering is a distinct and critically important branch of engineering that can help combat the impacts of a changing climate.
Deciding on Furthering Your Education
What influenced your decision to continue your education after completing your diploma in Environmental Technology?
While a three-year advanced diploma with Seneca helped me with transitioning to a new and exciting career path, I was still screened out from more senior positions, which required a minimum of an undergraduate degree.
Having the opportunity to complete a degree within two years by leveraging my Seneca diploma provided the ideal opportunity to address this gap.
How did you hear about the pathways available from your program?
Seneca made it easy to understand the pathways available to support continuing education through a variety of partners and program options. The information available online and in-person provided the information I needed to select the best path to meet my needs and learning objectives.
Going from a Diploma to a Degree
How did your Seneca diploma program prepare you for your degree program at Royal Roads University?
The course material covered in the Environmental Technology advanced diploma program provided foundational knowledge that was well connected with the degree program content.
The degree program felt like an extension of learning — building upon what had already been engrained within the diploma program. This made for a smooth learning transition and set me up for success.
What was the transition like going from a diploma to a degree? What are some of the differences?
The diploma program provided a practical approach to learning with a focus on how to apply learning in the field. It was a micro approach, while the degree program progressed into a macro approach.
The degree focused more on big picture scenarios including programs, policies and politics that influence the work in the field.
Having the opportunity to view issues with both lenses made it easier to identify issues, and critical elements that must be considered to address the problem at hand.
What advice would you have for someone who is considering pursuing a degree?
Having a degree is a minimum requirement for almost any position that is not entry-level. It is helpful for career progression and pairing it with the practical experience that is gained through a diploma program. In almost the same amount of time, a degree will provide you with an advantage over other job candidates.
Any tips for current students or professionals on how to balance work, school and life?
The great three-legged stool. The only way to sit comfortably on this stool is to ensure it is balanced. I found the best way to do this is by setting dedicated time aside for each. To do this, I asked for help and support.
At work, I asked for support to allow for schedule adjustments to accommodate classes or set the boundary that I cannot work overtime.
At home, it meant asking my family to pitch in around the house, to give me uninterrupted time while studying and dedicating specific time just for family and friends.
At school it was setting expectations around project work, schedule availability or asking for help from professors when needed.
Doing this allowed me to sit comfortably on the stool even when it wobbled, as the supports for each leg were in place.
Current Life
What are you up to now?
In 2020, I moved back to my hometown of Saint John, N.B. to be closer to my family. I am currently working as a manager with the City of Saint John in the permitting and development department.
What are your plans for the future?
For now, my plans are focused on expanding my understanding of how development and growth are managed at the municipal government level.