Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.




Important Notices


An ever increasing number of companies are switching to and/or furthering their involvement with Open Source Implementations. This 6 course Certificate of Completion Program was developed to enhance the skills of current students within the Computer Studies area at Seneca, as well as experienced developers as they rise to the challenge of understanding this evolving area. The student will gain the knowledge and skills required to work within this demanding environment.

Entry Requirements

INT222 - Internet I, ULI101 - Introduction to Unix/Linux, OOP244 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and DBS201 -Introduction to Database and SQL or equivalent experience.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Internet II - Web Programming on UNIX


WEB222 and ULI101

E-commerce remains one of the fastest-growing aspects of business in recent years, and there is a great demand for people who can plan and implement complete, database-driven web applications that run in a variety of different environments. Focusing on technologies popular on the Linux/Unix platform, this course will provide the student with the skills and knowledge required to create and maintain commercial-quality web sites suitable for database-driven business transactions. The student will learn to build dynamic web applications using popular web programming languages (Perl), while leveraging the power of a SQL database. XML will be covered as it applies to server-side web development. Installation and configuration of the Apache web server will be included, as will coverage of Unix-specific Internet-related security issues.

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Advanced Database Services



This course builds on knowledge gained in previous courses and introduces the student to advanced data management concepts and advanced database application programming. Students will explore non-traditional databases, including non-relational types.

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Introduction to Java for C++ Programmers


OOP345 or JAC333

This course will get students hands on practice using Java as an object-oriented language. Topics studied will include OO concepts in Java, threads, exceptions, GUI programming using Graphics 2D/Swing, input/output, networking, client-server programming, applets, servlets and database access via JDBC.

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Web Services Architecture


JAC444 or BPJ 444

The use of Web Services is expanding rapidly as the need for application-to-application communication and interoperability grows, making them available across the internet. The course will introduce students to a set of communication technologies as defined by Web Service standards. This course specifically address the skills needed to understand basic concepts like XML, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP.

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E-Commerce Fundamentals using Java Web Application


BPJ 444/JAC444 and WEB222

This course is designed to introduce the student to build end-to-end web applications using HTML/JSP/Servlet, with an emphasis on server-side Java application development.

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JEE Application Development - Open Source Tech.


PRO684 and WEB222

Students learn the architecture of the open source technologies as Struts and Hibernate. Students learn how to set up an extensible development environment for J2EE AJAX techniques for creating interactive web applications, Web Struts based Applications and persist the data using Hibernate. The course covers in detail most aspects of the implementation with regards to reusability, scalability, internationalization and maintainability of the application. AJAX is the methodology of getting the web pages to feel more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, which will lead to a more flexible and reliable web application. The Struts framework has the acceptance of the industry and unveils a large usability along many J2EE applications with large cover for financial, banking, industrial and manufacturing sectors. The framework wants to be extensible and flexible in order to be used on different applications with no pre-requirements except the J2EE environment. Hibernate is gaining a lots of popularity and lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework. Hibernate has been used to shape the new EJB entity bean portion of specifications.

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Please note: DBS311 has replaced DBS 301. Student that have already taken DBS 301 are not required to take DBS311.

Many of these skills are transferable between the Linux and UNIX operating systems.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Certificate of Completion Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Certificate of Completion will be sent to you electronically.


Students will use networked mid-range and PC computer platforms to access today's leading operating systems (Windows, .Net, UNIX and OS/400 on the AS/400). The College uses SFTP and SSH access modes for some courses to enable work to be done from home. Most programming and networking courses and labs are located at Seneca@York Campus. The programming course students are expected to log 20-30 hours of lab time in addition to classroom time. The lab hours are extensive. Please check with the learning commons or Open Lab for their hours of operation. During evening hours, Continuing Education students have priority over day students; until 7 p.m. on weekdays, full-time students have priority, but Continuing Education students may use facilities that are not occupied. On weekends, Continuing Education and full-time students have equal right to the use of the labs. Your registration receipt is your passport to the lab, although AS/400, UNIX and other users may also require account codes and passwords provided by their instructor. In some courses, students will be required to purchase removable hard drive kits or other hardware. In most courses students will require a USB Drive for storing programming assignments.

Program Changes

The Computer Studies credit program undergoes constant revision to ensure its relevance in today's changing job market. Some courses have been thoroughly revised to reflect technological change. Certain courses and codes may change without prior notice.


On scheduled Program Information evenings, or by special appointment, you can meet with a Computer Studies coordinator for help in choosing courses. To obtain waivers of prerequisites, and apply for transfer credits, please call 416-491-5050, ext 33025.

Program Contacts

Rasika De Silva
Program Assistant

Glen Steins
Part-time Program Coordinator

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.