Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.
If you are a mature student or high school graduate, the Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees Ontario College Certificate program can help you to earn the mathematics and sciences credits you need to gain entry into diploma or degree programs in health sciences or other science-related fields.
This part-time certificate program is designed to give you a strong foundation in the courses you need to succeed in your future studies. You'll take courses in English, communication, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, as well as general education courses in nutrition, fitness, and psychology. The courses will also enhance your opportunities for career exploration to help increase your options for further study.
Students are invited to attend an information session.
Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.
Students with a completed high school diploma or prior English Proficiency scores can find more details on next steps here.
Students without any of the above can be placed via successful completion of ESL934 OR English Assessment.
COM101 replaces EAC 150. Students who have successfully completed EAC 150 are not required to complete COM101.
This course introduces students to the core concepts of communication. Students will cultivate an awareness of these concepts by analyzing how they are used in a variety of texts and contexts, and they will apply these concepts strategically in their own writing. Through a variety of writing tasks centered on these core concepts of communication, students will develop the transferable reading and writing skills essential for success in their post-secondary studies, workplaces, and communities.
Students with a completed high school diploma or prior English Proficiency scores can find more details on next steps here.
Students without any of the above can be placed via English Assessment.
This course introduces students to the core concepts of communication. Students will cultivate an awareness of these concepts by analyzing how they are used in a variety of texts and contexts, and they will apply these concepts strategically in their own writing. Through a variety of writing tasks centered on these core concepts of communication, students will develop the transferable reading and writing skills essential for success in their post-secondary studies, workplaces, and communities.
Grade 11 or higher math skills required
This course is intended for students wishing to enter practical nursing or other health sciences/health care programs. The student will become familiar with the scientific knowledge of the human body necessary to recognize, accept and use the important principles in all phases of study in the health sciences.
Please note: This course is no longer acceptable as a science option required to enter nursing at the BScN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) level.
Basic arithmetic skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
This is an introductory course in mathematics. By the end of the course, students will have acquired problem-solving and mathematical skills and have demonstrated the ability to apply mathematical principles to typical problems that arise in a variety of work places, including business, science, health care and technology. Using a modular approach, MTH069 also provides the first step for students wishing to upgrade their math skills to the Grade 12C level.
BIO091 (grade B or higher) or Grade 11 C/U Biology
In this advanced course, students engage in a theoretical and practical investigation of the concepts and processes of biological systems. Areas of study include cellular metabolism, gene expression and regulation, genetic inheritance, evolution, and a detailed exploration of the anatomy and function of different organ systems to homeostasis. This course prepares students for postsecondary level studies of the life sciences and its related fields.
This course contains equivalent content to SBI4U, but it is not a ministry approved credit.
Recommended: MTH069 or Grade 12C/U Math
This is an introductory chemistry course. Students explore the relationship between chemical concepts and real life situations and on how chemical principles are important for biology.
This course provides the preparation necessary to enter Certificate and Diploma programs which require a current knowledge of chemistry and chemical concepts. Laboratory exercises and/or computer simulations and/or classroom demonstrations are designed to enhance understanding of the lecture material.
This course introduces students to the science of Nutrition and outlines the functions of the human body. The effectiveness of various diets and usefulness of food additives is explored. They will gain insight into the ways that food plays a variety of roles in maintaining health and reducing the risk of illness. Students will also learn the fundamentals needed to evaluate claims made by food faddists and food vendors.
CHM091 (grade B or higher) or Grade 11C/U Chemistry
In this advanced course in chemistry, students examine organic chemistry, biochemistry, energy changes and rates of reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium electrochemistry and atomic/molecular structure. Emphasis is also placed on interpretation of data, problem solving and communicating scientific information.
Laboratory exercises and/or computer simulations and/or classroom demonstrations, will provide opportunities to consolidate concepts in a hands-on approach.
This course contains equivalent content to SCH4U, but it is not a Ministry approved credit.
In this course students explore data management and analysis within the context of mathematics. Students apply methods for organizing and analyzing information for solving problems involving probability and statistics and integrating statistical concepts in order to further refine their mathematical skills. This course will prepare students for study and work in a variety of fields including business, the social sciences, humanities, health science, and other science-related fields.
Physiology of Fitness is designed to be both theoretical and practical, combining traditional classroom activity and practical application of health and fitness theory. Students participate in lectures and practical physical fitness and health activities that present how the body responds and adapts to exercise stress and explore contemporary fitness and health issues.
Positive human development is the study of fulfillment and personal growth. In this course, students discover what distinguishes positive human development from the general study of human behaviour. Built on scientific principles, its applied approach uncovers strengths and promotes positive functioning. Subjective well-being is investigated resulting in techniques to enhance happiness that can be applied to current and future life circumstances and goals.
This program is eligible for OSAP funding.
Course load is used by OSAP to determine funding options for programs.
If you are taking one to two courses at the same time, you may be considered for part-time student grants and loans.
If you are taking three or more courses at the same time, you may be considered for full-time student grants and loans.
To find out if you qualify and to learn how to apply, please visit the OSAP website.
For information on other awards and financial assistance, please see Financial Aid.
Take your graduate certificate further
Seneca is recognized as a leader in pathways and offers a range of options to help you reach your educational and career goals.
As a graduate of this program, you may be eligible to pathway into a master's degree program at one of our partner institutions.
To qualify for a master's degree program, you may require a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite. Visit our Degree Transfer Guide to learn more and explore your pathway options.
If you have additional questions regarding pathways to, within and beyond Seneca, connect with our Academic Pathways team at 416.764.0399 or email academic.pathways@senecapolytechnic.ca.
After reviewing the Degree Transfer Guide, you can also book a virtual appointment to discuss your options in more detail with a dedicated Pathways Adviser.
When you meet all program requirements and become eligible for a certificate, diploma, or degree, you must inform the Registrar by completing a Graduation Application form and paying the graduation and alumni fee. Certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees are issued twice a year in the Fall (October), Spring (June) and Winter (February).
For further information including deadlines and fees, please visit the Convocation website or contact the Convocation Office at theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca.
Yasmeen Syed
Academic Program Manager
For more information about this program, fill out the following form.
Students are invited to attend an information session.