Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Winter 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.
Important Notice
Students with an interest in Planning Foundations will be asked to complete a core set of courses, which will provide them with a thorough introduction to planning, a solid understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methods most commonly utilized in the field of planning, valuable project management techniques, and social planning tools that will prove especially valuable in the diverse planning context of the Greater Toronto Area.
Students are invited to attend an information session.
A Certificate of Completion in Planning Foundations will equip our graduates to pursue careers in public, private or non-profit sectors, including, but not limited to, opportunities in any of the following areas:
Ontario Secondary School Diploma or University/College Preparation.
Mature students with work experience will be considered on that basis
Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.
This course provides students with a thorough introduction to planning with a particular emphasis on theoretical and practical competencies used by planners and planning technologists on a daily basis. Policy frameworks such as the Planning Act and the Provincial Policy Statement are examined. Emerging issues and the role of ethics and values will also be explored.
This course provides students with an understanding of those qualitative and quantitative research methods most commonly utilized in the field of planning. Social research methods such as interviews, observational research, and statistical analysis will be considered. Students also explore the key components of quantitative analysis, including collecting and presenting data, analyzing relationships between variables, and the testing of hypotheses.
This course educates students on all facets of small- and large-scale planning projects, including scope, schedule, budget, timelines, communication tools, and project implementation. Students have the opportunity to gain applied experience in completing different projects of varying levels of complexity.
This course focuses on those factors contributing to a broad range of disparities and challenges around planning and policy-making for diverse populations. Students are introduced to the theories and analytic tools necessary to respond to collective action and address issues around social equity and justice.
Upon completion of the program, the student will be able to:
Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Certificate of Completion Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Certificate of Completion will be sent to you electronically.
Ramya Kottapalli
Program Assistant
For more information about this program, fill out the following form.
Students are invited to attend an information session.