Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.
Bees are one of the most under-appreciated insects on the planet, yet they are one of the hardest working creatures. Their existence is vital to agriculture by providing their pollinating services. Our workshop series will give students a window into the fascinating world of bees. Individuals who are interested in being a hobbyist or just want to learn will enjoy both our in-class and hands-on courses.
By participating in the hands on bee yard program there is the risk of being stung by a honey bee. You are expected to accept the risks associated with bee stings and take all the necessary precautions to prevent a bee sting. It is your responsibility to be aware if you have allergies to honey bee venom. We will ask you to sign a waiver to this effect at the start of the program.
Students will need to ensure they have their own (1) Bee suit or jacket w/veil and (2) gloves for courses in bee yardwork.
Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.
Students will be introduced into the world of beekeeping. This workshop is intended for the beginner and hobbyist beekeeper to learn the essentials of how to get started in beekeeping including tools and equipment you will need, bee identification and biology, the activities within the beekeeper's calendar, provincial laws and municipal bylaws governing beekeeping in Ontario.
This workshop provides hands-on bee yard experience and is intended to build on BEE100 - Introduction to Beekeeping, with interactive bee hive management. Students will open up a hive to observe and help manage the bees, including nucleus hives, bee hives, maintaining a hive, queening, re-queening, creating splits, and, disease and pest control. Seasonal beekeeper's calendar will be discussed. Students must provide their own veil/suit and gloves.
This workshop provides hands-on bee yard experience and is intended to build on BEE100 - Introduction to Beekeeping with interactive bee hive management. Students will open up a hive to observe and help manage the summer colony.
This workshop provides hands-on bee yard experience and is intended to build on BEE100 - Introduction to Beekeeping with interactive bee hive management. Students will open up a hive to observe and help manage the fall colony.
Ramya Kottapalli
Program Assistant
Jacqueline Bar
Manager, Academic Programs