Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.




Whether you are a hobbyist photographer or just starting to learn about photography, join Seneca's creative photography workshops to learn how to operate an SLR camera and explore creative image techniques. During this program, students will receive instruction in many aspects of photography including composition, lighting, and basic software enhancements.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Photography - Introduction

This course combines appreciation of photography with technical instruction and creative investigation. The use of f-stops, shutter speeds, metering and the building blocks of composition including subject selection and the rule of thirds are highlighted. Available light shooting and use of flash lighting is also introduced. Students must bring their own 35mm or digital camera (no autofocus cameras please).


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Photography - Intermediate

Prerequisite(s): CAT986

This course is for those with some mastery of the camera, its controls, subject selection and composition. Students learn to control light by use of reflectors and gain a sense of composition and cropping in terms of personal perspective. Creative camera use is highlighted. Students must provide their own manual 35mm or digital manual camera (no point and shoot cameras please).

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Photography - Advanced


CAT986 and CAT987 or equivalent experience

This course is for those who have mastered their camera, its controls and their functions. Students learn to control light by use of reflectors and ambient and halogen light. The use of on camera flash and strobe lighting and the application of natural light including the use of light/flash meters is discussed. Students must provide their own manual 35mm or digital manual camera (no point and shoot cameras please).

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DIY Product Photography

A workshop for small or home-based business owners (non-photographers) interested in capturing images of their products. Learn basic camera skills, simple lighting techniques and photo editing to produce photos on your own. Uses could include marketing materials, web, portfolios or online catalogs.

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Introduction Photography for Weddings and Events

This course provides students with the techniques, application methods, and technical skills required for wedding and event photography. The importance of proper equipment, lighting, and staging is discussed.

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Photography I - Fundamentals

Photography I will introduce students to the technical and artistic world of digital photography. Students will learn to use the camera as a visualization tool for understanding light and composition. Using standard principles of design and composition within a frame, students will compose, shoot and analyze images taken with digital cameras.

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Program Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the use of aperture, shutter speeds, ISO and the building blocks of composition.
  2. Experiment with light through use of reflectors, flash and camera controls.
  3. Discover how to use different lenses, filters, and studio lighting.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Certificate of Completion Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Certificate of Completion will be sent to you electronically.

Program Contacts

Maria Graziosi
Program Assistant

Melanie Rubens
Program Coordinator

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.