This Ontario College Graduate certificate program has been designed to meet the needs of individuals who have already received their Early Childhood Education Diploma and wish to pursue professional specialization. The program provides Early Childhood Educators with the knowledge and techniques necessary to work in supervisory/administrative positions.
The curriculum focuses on communication strategies, staff supervision and leadership skills, financial management, marketing, advocacy and professionalism in child care settings.
This part-time program consists of six professional courses and 210 hours of supervised field placement.
Note: Please contact to arrange for a mandatory orientation information package to be sent to you. Students must submit proof of ECE Diploma or Equivalency.
Graduates may be employed as supervisors/administrators in a variety of Early Childhood Education settings.
Registrants must submit a completed Seneca medical form, a current police reference check (working with vulnerable people), a Ministry of Education Work/Education placement form (WEPA) and a current First Aid/CPR Certificate before entering field placement.
Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.
An Early Childhood Education diploma or equivalent and approval of the Coordinator.
Students construct, practice and analyze a variety of communication strategies, related to the responsibilities of a Supervisor/administrator in Early Childhood environments. Students develop a professional communication portfolio which includes; sample formats for surveys, program brochures, business letters, media releases, newsletters, policies/procedures and business proposals. Additionally students assess and analyze which strategies are most effective with different client groups; children, parents, board of directors, volunteers, staff and other community professionals. Through online discussions, postings, case studies, readings, assignments and practical applications, students have the opportunity to practice and utilize effective communication skills including analysis, research, evaluation, and decision-making to affect change in the workplace.
Students analyze the influence of theoretical philosophies when designing curriculum models that are consistent with research and developmental principles in Early Childhood Education Administration. Administrative strategies for curriculum design and implementation are evaluated for consistency with Best Practices for children's optimal learning. The ELECT document provides a framework model for administrative analysis. Students analyze current early childhood curriculum models such as Montessori, High/Scope, Reggio Emilia; Bank Street, Creative Curriculum and the Full Day Early Learning Program to understand the role of the administrator in curriculum design. Through discussions, postings/presentations, case studies, readings, assignments and practical applications, students have the opportunity to practice and utilize curriculum design skills including analysis, research, evaluation, decision-making to affect change in the workplace.
Students examine historical, political, professional, and social issues affecting early childhood administration practice in current Early Learning programs. Students review professional responsibilities and practices of ECE supervisors and administrators and analyze them within recognized best management practices. Students review strategies characterizing advocacy roles and responsibilities for ECE supervisors that reflect an indepth understanding of early childhood education and ethical practices within the context of a self-regulated profession. Additionally students develop strategies for personal and professional development growth in a management capacity. Through discussions, posting/presentations, case studies, readings, assignments and practical applications, students have the opportunity to practice and utilize advocacy and professional skills including analysis and reflective practices.
ECE Diploma or equivalency and attend a manadatory orientation session
This course explores effective communication and theories of leadership. Through a process of self-evaluation, students will develop a professional leadership style appropriate to the role of an administrator of an early childhood education setting. Students will develop techniques to hire and maintain quality staff in an Early Childhood Education program.
Students examine marketing principles and practices as they apply to the manager's role in the operation of early childhood education centre. Participants will research and develop marketing plans through the identification of the needs of clients and market demands, including SWOT and PEST analyses. Strategies for effective program marketing, publicity, and promotion will be determined and evaluated for effectiveness. Through discussions, presentations, readings, research, assignments and practical applications, students have the opportunity to prepare and evaluate effective marketing plans. This program is designed for professionals with an Early Childhood Education Diploma or recognized equivalent, who are now, or would like to be, administrators of child-care services. The program may also be of interest to child-care administrators who are: - currently learning "on the job" - early childhood educators seeking career advancement - employers encouraging staff development and training.
An Early Childhood Education Diploma or equivalent. A basic understanding of Excel and Microsoft Word.
Students are given a comprehensive overview of developing a financial plan to incorporate the requirements of a licenced ECE program. This involves the use of computer software.
Successful completion of at least four of the Early Childhood Education Post-Diploma Advanced Administration courses or approval from the ECE co-ordinator.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Students may be permitted to complete this practicum at their work place providing this is approved by the Program Coordinator.
Students will integrate theory and practice by supervising in an ECE program Centre. Over an extended time period, students will demonstrate supervisory skills within the specified framework of their individual settings. Students are required to complete all required documentation including a Seneca Medical Form and apply for a Police Check through OESC before they begin field placement. Please consult the field placement manual for forms. Students must have access to their Seneca email account to maintain communication with the Seneca supervisor.
The objectives of the Early Childhood Education Administration Program are:
Please refer to the Toronto Police Services website to complete your police check. Our unique agency code is 202309TPSON92AAE
To learn more about financial support and to apply for ECE grants, please visit the Ontario ECE Qualifications Upgrade Program website.
When you meet all program requirements and become eligible for a certificate, diploma, or degree, you must inform the Registrar by completing a Graduation Application form and paying the graduation and alumni fee. Certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees are issued twice a year in the Fall (October), Spring (June) and Winter (February).
For further information including deadlines and fees, please visit the Convocation website or contact the Convocation Office at
A student will be eligible to graduate from a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate certificate program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.0.
A student will be eligible to graduate from a degree program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.5, which includes a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the courses in their main field of study and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in breadth courses.
City Wide Training Early Childhood Professional, visit regularly for postings of professional development opportunities available across the city including Seneca Polytechnic.
Georgina Ioannou
Program Assistant
Georgette Bigelow
Part-time Program Coordinator
Dedra Profitt
Academic Program Manager
For more information about this program, fill out the following form.