Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.


Fundraising Management

Seneca College Certificate



Learn the skills necessary to pursue a career in fundraising in the non-profit sector. Develop a base of knowledge including methods of fundraising, donor relationships and campaign management.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have OSSGD with Grade XII English (or equivalent) as well as a good command of the English language.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Certificate Requirements

Introduction to Fundraising

This course provides students with an overview of the principles, ethics and practices of professional fundraising and a systematic examination of the thinking and preparation that is required before an organization can engage in successful fundraising.


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Fundraising as a Management Process

Students develop realistic marketing, communication and financial plans that reflect the budgetary obligations of an organization, and learn how to inspire general public interest and establish trust in the brand of the organization they represent.

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Methods of Fundraising

This course presents the issues and processes involved in planning and organizing special events. Students examine the organization, advantages and disadvantages of special events as a fundraising technique including: tasks and responsibilities, working with committees, creative development of event concepts, scheduling and budgeting and strategies for maximizing profits from the event. Students examine corporate partnerships and grant seeking and entrepreneurial and third-party fundraising activities. Students develop fundraising plans according to the needs and capabilities of the organization they represent i.e. finances and human resources. The course also explores relationships with the corporate sector and the means to identify their interest in fundraising.

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Donor Relationships in Fundraising

The funding relationship between the charitable sector, corporations and individual donors is integral to fundraising. Students learn the needs and motivations of donors (corporations or individuals) and what sustains long-term partnerships with the non-profit sector. Students learn to identify, analyze and rate potential prospects and prepare a solicitation approach accordingly.

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Strategic Management of Campaigns

This course examines the elements of a successful fundraising campaign. Students learn how to develop a compelling case for support, attract the best leadership potential, develop donor prospects and prepare a plan of action. The course provides students with management and financial strategies to effectively control the fundraising process of campaigns. Students address the practical implementation of fundraising strategies required to manage information generated during a campaign such as processing gifts and dealing with information flow and technology.

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Independent Project


FRM600 or FRM601

In this course students apply the concepts learned in the Fundraising Management program to a project of choice. Students who do not have experience working in the field of fundraising management are required to work in the field with an experienced fundraising manager for their independent project. Students already working in the field may choose an independent project such as: plan a major gift and planned giving program, develop a direct mail campaign for a non-profit organization or plan a special event. Topics selected are subject to the approval of the instructor.

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Program Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Explain how philanthropy and volunteerism influence today's economy and the social impacts involved.
  2. Use management and leadership skills required of a fundraising manager.
  3. Develop an organizational fundraising plan including key marketing and communications strategies.
  4. Incorporate fiscal and ethical responsibilities in the planning and implementation of a fundraising campaign
  5. Design a fundraising strategy utilizing classic fundraising methods.
  6. Identify funding opportunities for an organization while considering the availability of resources to implement the plan.
  7. Explain the fundamentals of cause-related marketing.
  8. Identify the key elements that motivate donors and develop a prospect list that will help maintain long term relationships.
  9. Manage a specific fundraising campaign in a non-profit organization within the community.

Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning Assessment

Earn college credits for what you already know.
Prior Learning Assessment is a method of assessing and recognizing learning that is equal to college level learning, but has been gained outside a traditional classroom (through work experience, volunteering, outside study, etc.). If you can prove that the knowledge you have gained meets the outcomes of a Seneca course, then credit will be awarded.

How does the PLA process work?
Prior Learning is demonstrated through a "challenge" process. The process measures learning through a variety of methods which may include tests, portfolio assessment, interviews, demonstrations, essays, and work samples. The method used will be determined in consultation with a Program Coordinator.
For more information and to determine if you are eligible for PLA, please call the Program Coordinator.

The process may take from 6 to 8 weeks.

Note: Not all courses can be challenged. For more information go to PLA website or contact your Program Coordinator.

Transfer Credit

Many students who enter Seneca Polytechnic will have earned academic credits in postsecondary educational institutions which they may be able to apply toward completion of a Seneca Polytechnic program.

Requests for Transfer Credit must be for a specific course and must be accompanied by an official transcript and course outline. A minimum grade of "C" (60 percent) is generally required for a course to be considered for Transfer Credit.

Download a Transfer Credit Request form. An official copy of your transcript and applicable detailed course outlines should be attached and submitted. Please note it may take 4 to 6 weeks for a Transfer Credit decision.

More Information

Please visit the Office of the Registrar.


These courses are offered by online delivery only. For more information about online delivery, please refer to Online Studies.


When you meet all program requirements and become eligible for a certificate, diploma, or degree, you must inform the Registrar by completing a Graduation Application form and paying the graduation and alumni fee. Certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees are issued twice a year in the Fall (October), Spring (June) and Winter (February).

For further information including deadlines and fees, please visit the Convocation website or contact the Convocation Office at theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca.

Minimum Performance for Graduation

A student will be eligible to graduate from a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate certificate program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.0.

A student will be eligible to graduate from a degree program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.5, which includes a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the courses in their main field of study and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in breadth courses.

Program Contacts

Teresa Artuso
Academic Program Manager

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.