
This graduate certificate program is appropriate for people who are working in the field of human resources management or those who wish to gain entry into this professional area. Throughout this program emphasis is placed on communication, decision-making, and job-related skills used in the field of human resources.

The program covers all nine courses required by HRPA to write either the CHRP Knowledge Exam (CHRP-KE) for the CHRP designation or the CHRL Knowledge Exam (CHRL-KE) for the CHRL designation. Prior to challenging the industry examinations, many students will benefit from taking the two day HRPA Comprehensive Knowledge Exam Prep.


HRPA logo

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.

Entry Requirements

To be accepted into the Human Resources Management Post-Graduate certificate program, eligible students are invited to apply by submitting copies online of documents demonstrating one (or both) of the entry requirements outlined below:

  • Ontario university/college degree, college diploma, advanced diploma or equivalent.


  • Mature students with three to five years of related in human resource management work experience


  • English proficiency at the college level

For application process, students must create an account with OCAS, and request electronic transcripts within the application process. Once you have applied and paid the application fee, please e-mail your OCAS application number directly to one of the program contact.

To validate mature student in the areas of human resource management work experience, an original recommendation letter in employer's letter head is required to be sent to the Academic Program Manager, stating your student number and OCAS application number, in addition to any supporting documentation. Contact the Academic Program Manager for additional details.

Apply Now

To apply for the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate program, click here.

For Students with international credentials, a credential assessment is needed for your application to be approved. You can use any of the approved service providers: World Education Services, ICAS of Canada or Comparative Education Service - University of Toronto and the assessment should be a document by document. The original credential assessment should be sent directly from the service provider to OCAS (do not send your own copies).

  • ontariocolleges.ca
    OCAS Application Number ref: ########## - SE_HRM-C
    60 Corporate Court
    Guelph, ON N1G 5J3
  • Note: OCAS does not return any originals, please request your own copy if you need one.

If you have any questions about the entry requirements, or general questions about the program, please reach out to the Program Contacts.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Core Courses (11)

Introduction to Human Resources Management

This course is a comprehensive overview of modern day personnel and human resource management. This course will introduce the diverse components of human resource functions and its role in the current business environment. Case study analysis will be used to link the theory to the practical situations that occur in Human Resources. Topics to be covered are: the business environment, recruitment and selection, employee development and evaluation, compensation and benefits, employee rights, safety and representations and strategic issues and challenges in Human Resources Management, in both domestic and global environments.

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Personnel Research Techniques and H.R.I.S.


However, it is strongly recommended that students take HRM701 - Introduction to Human Resources Management, prior to taking this course if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

This course involves the study of research techniques as they pertain to the measurement and conditioning of workforce behaviour. The course provides knowledge related to the introduction of electronic HR information systems (HRIS) into an organization by discovering project management, planning and implementation models. The value of HRIS to effective HR research activities will be explored by looking at actual practices of HR professionals.

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Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

The focus of this course is to provide students with an understanding of accounting information for the use of business managers and a working knowledge of financial accounting for human resources managers. The fundamental principles of finance and accounting will be combined with practical applications relating to various forms of organization. Using accounting information to help effect plans, controls, and decisions will be emphasized.

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Business Management and Organizational Behaviour


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

This course is an examination of the contemporary Canadian business environment, organization, leadership and management decision process which influences the behavior of individuals and groups.

Increased global competition, technological change and the rising expectations of both employees and employers have underlined the need for better and more effective leadership. This course provides a better understanding of this process.

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Recruitment and Selection Techniques


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM 701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

A basic study is undertaken of the principles, issues, trends and legislative requirements affecting recruitment and selection. Human resources professionals need an understanding of how recruitment and selection fits into the broader organizational structure, processes and goals of an organization and how this function is related to the other functions of human resources management. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to successfully identify human resource requirements and attract and retain an effective workforce for an organization. The changing legal environment and the impact of laws on recruitment and selection are an important component of this course.

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Human Resources Planning and Development


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM 701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

The focus is on human resources planning and includes the design of employee evaluation plans. Students learn how to forecast the human resources needs of an organization and to relate the requirements of the organization within ambient socio-political situations.

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Design and Administration of Compensation Plans


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

The purpose of this course is to examine the principles, processes and theories involved in the design and administration of compensation programs. Emphasis is placed on linking compensation strategy to corporate strategy, applying behavioural theories in the design of compensation programs and implementing, managing and adapting compensation programs.


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Occupational Health and Safety


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

The student will explore the nature and dimensions of the regulation of health and safety in the workplace by government legislation as well as the role of agencies such as the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. In addition, the many positive health and safety initiatives made by proactive employers will be examined.

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Industrial Relations


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM 701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

The course will explore the nature of the industrial relations process. Considerable emphasis will be placed on negotiating and administering the collective agreement through to grievance arbitration.

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The Legal Environment


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM 701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate. Prior knowledge of micro and macro economics is advantageous.

Today's workplace is highly regulated from the commencement of the relationship through to its termination. Commencing with the employment contract, an examination of both the statutory law and the common law will be undertaken. In both the Federal and Provincial environment, the student will be exposed to such diverse areas as employment standards, worker's compensation, pay equity, human rights and unionization. The corresponding rights and responsibilities of employers and employees will be examined.

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Training Techniques and Practices


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM 701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

Training is recognized within the human resources field as a planned effort designed to improve both individual and corporate performance. In this course students will learn the role of training in human resources management and examine the psychology of the learning process. Students will gain experience in needs assessment, program design and implementation and evaluation techniques.

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Seminars, Workshops & Courses of Interest l CPD - Not required for graduation

Privacy and Compliance: A Human Resources Perspective

Human Resources professionals have access to very sensitive employee information and are often involved in sensitive HR matters. Unintended disclosure of such information may have tremendous impact on employees' and institutions' overall workplace well-being. This is especially true in our digital era. Continuing education in the area of privacy is crucial to the HR professional in a vastly changing marketplace.

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Pensions and Benefits


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

Various government and employer sponsored pension and benefit plans will be reviewed as well as current related public and legislative issues. Major areas for discussion include public and private health care plans, income replacement provisions, survivor benefits and pension arrangements. Also, techniques for benefit plan management will be discussed with respect to plan design, communication, costing and administration.

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Labour Economics


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM 701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate. Prior knowledge of micro and macro economics is advantageous.

In this course the student will be introduced to various concepts about an individual's decision to supply labour; why individuals decide to work, the factors effecting the decision to work, the decision to retire or reduce the length of the work week. The student will then review the factors that influence the firm's decision to hire labour and determine the amount of labour to be hired given both a competitive and non-competitive labour market. The concept of non-competitive labour markets will be extended to include the influence of factors that are external to the labour market such as unions and government. The problems of and solutions to unemployment, discrimination and wage differentials will be discussed.

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Human Resources Analytics

To be a strategic human resources practitioner, one must be able to provide data driven facts and be able to use them in order to proactively address HR issues and strategically support the business. Data driven analytics and metrics, provides HR with information to help drive strategic business decisions and build executive partnerships. To help businesses deliver a competitive advantage over the competition, HR provides analytics on key performance indicators, HR analytics and interpretation of the data for the organization. This course will provide the theory, concept and best practices in gathering business requirements, planning, research techniques, data analysis, metrics, and reporting.

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Cannabis HR Perspectives

This course focuses on medical cannabis and employers' duty to accommodate employees with cannabis authorizations (prescriptions) for medical purposes. Students will review the legislation that regulates employers' and employees' use of cannabis in the workplace and explore how rules for cannabis in the workplace can be outlined through policies. The course will examine how to create accessible policies, ensure compliance, and address policy violations.


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Continuing Professional Development (CPD), is an essential component of HRPA's designation framework. The objective of the CPD requirement is to ensure that members who have earned the CHRP, CHRL and/or CHRE designations participate in ongoing professional development activities. CPD hours can be earned through continuing education and members are required to obtain 66.67 hours of professional development activities for every three-year CPD cycle. The above Seminars, Workshops and Courses of Interest l CPD are offered in lengths of 12 to 42 hours in length. Certified members of HRPA are encouraged to complete the above courses to maintain the CPD requirement. These courses will fall under "Category A - Continuing Education" where activities may include seminar, workshops, or conferences.

Please note that the above activities do not display the HRPA CPD seal but can be pre-approved by HRPA. Individuals with questions regarding the CPD requirement are encouraged to contact the HRPA's Office of the Registrar.

For more information on CPD requirements and professional development for CHRP, CHRL and/or CHRE certified members, please visit the page for Continuing Professional Development Requirement at the HRPA website.

Program Outcomes

As a graduate, you will be prepared to reliably demonstrate the ability to:

  • Contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of employee recruitment, selection, and retention plans and processes.
  • Administer and contribute to the design and evaluation of the performance management program.
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate employee orientation, training, and development programs.
  • Facilitate and support effective employee and labour relations in both non-union and union environments.
  • Research and support the development and communication of the organization's total compensation plan.
  • Collaborate with others, in the development, implementation, and evaluation of organizational health and safety policies and practices.
  • Research and analyze information needs and apply current and emerging information technologies to support the human resources function.
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate organizational development strategies aimed at promoting organizational effectiveness.
  • Present and evaluate communication messages and processes related to the human resources function of the organization.
  • Manage own professional development and provide leadership to others in the achievement of ongoing competence in human resources professional practice.
  • Facilitate and communicate the human resources component of the organization's business plan.
  • Conduct research, produce reports, and recommend changes in human resources practices.

OSAP Funding Available

This program is eligible for OSAP funding.

Course load is used by OSAP to determine funding options for programs.

If you are taking one to two courses at the same time, you may be considered for part-time student grants and loans.

  • one course (20 per cent)
  • two courses (40 per cent)

If you are taking three or more courses at the same time, you may be considered for full-time student grants and loans.

  • three courses (60 per cent)
  • four courses (80 per cent)
  • five courses (100 per cent)

To find out if you qualify and to learn how to apply, please visit the OSAP website.

For information on other awards and financial assistance, please see Financial Aid.

Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning Assessment

Earn college credits for what you already know.
Prior Learning Assessment is a method of assessing and recognizing learning that is equal to college level learning, but has been gained outside a traditional classroom (through work experience, volunteering, outside study, etc.). If you can prove that the knowledge you have gained meets the outcomes of a Seneca course, then credit will be awarded.

How does the PLA process work?
Prior Learning is demonstrated through a "challenge" process. The process measures learning through a variety of methods which may include tests, portfolio assessment, interviews, demonstrations, essays, and work samples. The method used will be determined in consultation with a Program Coordinator.
For more information and to determine if you are eligible for PLA, please call the Program Coordinator.

The process may take from 6 to 8 weeks.

Note: Not all courses can be challenged. For more information go to PLA website or contact your Program Coordinator.

Transfer Credit

Many students who enter Seneca Polytechnic will have earned academic credits in postsecondary educational institutions which they may be able to apply toward completion of a Seneca Polytechnic program.

Requests for Transfer Credit must be for a specific course and must be accompanied by an official transcript and course outline. A minimum grade of "C" (60 percent) is generally required for a course to be considered for Transfer Credit.

Download a Transfer Credit Request form. An official copy of your transcript and applicable detailed course outlines should be attached and submitted. Please note it may take 4 to 6 weeks for a Transfer Credit decision.

More Information

Please visit the Office of the Registrar.


Take your graduate certificate further

Seneca is recognized as a leader in pathways and offers a range of options to help you reach your educational and career goals.

As a graduate of this program, you may be eligible to pathway into a master's degree program at one of our partner institutions.

To qualify for a master's degree program, you may require a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite. Visit our Degree Transfer Guide to learn more and explore your pathway options.

If you have additional questions regarding pathways to, within and beyond Seneca, connect with our Academic Pathways team at 416.764.0399 or email academic.pathways@senecapolytechnic.ca.

After reviewing the Degree Transfer Guide, you can also book a virtual appointment to discuss your options in more detail with a dedicated Pathways Adviser.


When you meet all program requirements and become eligible for a certificate, diploma, or degree, you must inform the Registrar by completing a Graduation Application form and paying the graduation and alumni fee. Certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees are issued twice a year in the Fall (October), Spring (June) and Winter (February).

For further information including deadlines and fees, please visit the Convocation website or contact the Convocation Office at theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca.

Minimum Performance for Graduation

A student will be eligible to graduate from a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate certificate program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.0.

A student will be eligible to graduate from a degree program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.5, which includes a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the courses in their main field of study and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in breadth courses.

HRPA Designations & Equivalencies

The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) is the professional regulatory body for HR professionals in Ontario and has the exclusive authority to grant the Certified Human Resources Professionals (CHRP) and Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL) designations in Ontario in accordance with the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013. The eleven-course Human Resources Management Ontario College Graduate Certificate program at Seneca Polytechnic includes all nine courses required by HRPA to write either:

  • CHRP Knowledge Exam (CHRP-KE), as this is the first exam in the process of pursuing the CHRP designation.
  • CHRL Knowledge Exam (CHRL-KE), formerly known as the Comprehensive Knowledge Exam 2 (CKE2) as this is the first exam in the process of pursuing the CHRL designation.

Over these nine courses students must obtain an average grade of 70% or better and no single grade must be below 65% . Prior to challenging the industry examinations, many students will benefit from taking the two day HRPA Comprehensive Knowledge Exam Prep for a refresher on important material covered throughout their studies in human resources.

Additional requirements will need to be completed to obtain either the CHRP and/or the CHRL. For detailed information about the most current designation requirements please visit the HRPA website.

List of equivalencies

Former HRPA online students, are encourage to apply to the Human Resources Management Post-Graduate Certificate, in order to proceed with a transfer credit of the former HRPA online courses. Completing the part-time program at Seneca Polytechnic, will allow students to graduate with an academic credential (Ontario College Post-Graduate Certificate), as long as they meet the entry requirements.

Seneca Polytechnic Courses

HRPA Courses

HRM701 Introduction to Human Resources Management CHRP - Course Work Requirement Human Resources Management
HRM732 Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting Finance and Accounting
HRM742 Business Management and Organizational Behaviour Organizational Behaviour
HRM782 Recruitment and Selection Techniques Recruitment and Selection
HRM822 Human Resources Planning and Development Human Resources Planning
HRM831 Design and Administration of Compensation Plans Compensation
HRM843 Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety
HRM845 Industrial Relations Labour Relations
HRM848 Training Techniques and Practices Training and Development
HRM722 Personnel Research Techniques and H.R.I.S.
  • Restricted Course for admitted students only
  • Required for students completing the Ontario College Post-Graduate Certificate
No equivalency HRM722 is applicable to students completing the Human Resources Management Post-Graduate Certificate.
HRM855 The Legal Environment
  • Restricted Course for admitted students only
  • Required for students completing the Ontario College Post-Graduate Certificate
CHRL - requirement Required course for HRPA students seeking to complete the CHRL designation requirements (CHRL Employment Law Exam)

HRM855 is applicable to students completing the Human Resources Management Post-Graduate Certificate at Seneca Polytechnic

Program Contacts

Belinda Becker
Program Assistant

Lisa Ballantyne
Academic Program Manager

Note: If you are a current/former Seneca student: include your student number and program enrolled in your communications.

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.