Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.


Legal Assistant

Seneca College Certificate

Related Studies



The Legal Assistant certificate program will provide you with technical skills and a specialized education that will prepare you for a career as a legal office assistant. Emphasis is placed on the practical demands of the job including the understanding of legal terminology and procedures, professional ethics, meeting deadlines and interpersonal relations.

Specialized terminology and documentation will form the basis on which your keyboarding skills are developed. In addition, you will develop an understanding of the core areas of legal office administration with emphasis on the practices and procedures of law including: Family Law and Criminal Law, as well as the practices involved in Litigation, Corporate, Real Estate and Small Claims Court.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Mandatory Courses (10)

Office Procedures

Office Procedures help students acquire practical and transferable office administration skills, attitudes, behaviours and knowledge which are valuable in obtaining and retaining careers in today's fast-changing office environment.

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Word Specialist

MS Word 2019 or 365 for Windows, a word processing package that has the convenience and efficiencies of pull-down menus. Learn to create, edit, format and print documents. Use paragraph, page, and character formatting commands. Create multiple page documents with tables, and desktop publishing with MS Word.

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Communication I

In this course, students develop their knowledge of contemporary English grammar standards and organizational writing patterns, which together create a strong foundation for organizing and writing tasks in subsequent communication courses.

LEG303 is not eligible for Prior Learning Assessment.

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Legal Terminology

Students build a vocabulary of common legal terminology used within a law office, government agency, court systems, social services and current affairs through practice, study guide and quizzes.

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Legal Office Procedures

Students develop basic knowledge of the legal secretary/assistant's clerical and practical duties required in a law office.

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Real Estate Practices and Procedures I

Students become more familiar with the wide range of duties and responsibilities in the area of Real Estate law for Law Office Administration/Assistants program including document and file preparation.

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Wills and Estates Practice and Procedures

Wills & Estate Practice & Procedures focuses on the function and drafting of Wills and Powers of Attorney and the laws and procedures relating to the administration of estates in Ontario.

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Corporate Practice and Procedures


LEG305 and LEG304

Corporate Practice & Procedures focuses on the preparation and filing of articles of incorporation, the organization of Ontario and Federal corporation, corporate changes, steps involved in annual filings and updates as well as registering other forms of business organization.

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Law Office Accounting

Law Office Accounting focuses on accounting procedures relating to the keeping of records and recording of transactions in a law office and the requirements of the Law Society of Upper Canada.

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Litigation Small Claims Family Criminal Law Procedures

This course examines the role of a legal administrator in relation to litigation, small claims, family, and criminal law proceedings in support of the legal team. Students identify the components of forms used in each field, including, but not limited to, statements, affidavits, notices, and motions, from both the plaintiff and defendant's perspectives. Emphasis is placed on legislation and courts including the Family Law Act, the Rules of Civil Procedure, and Superior Court of Ontario procedure. Students are also expected to determine the appropriate uses of client information based on techniques learned in the course and knowledge gained about the fields.

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Electives (2)

Litigation Practice and Procedures I

This course will develop students' knowledge and expertise in the area of civil litigation. Students will become familiar with a wide range of activities, responsibilities and document preparation.

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Family Law Practice and Procedure

Students develop a basic knowledge of family law practice and procedures as defined by the Rules of Civic Procedure for Ontario and Family Law Act as required.

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Criminal Law Practice and Procedure

Criminal Law Practice & Procedures help students better understand the criminal justice system and the Charter of Rights and Freedom. The focus of this course will be taking the student through the adult criminal justice process from arrest to completion of criminal charges.

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Real Estate II

Real Estate Practice & Procedures 2 reviews the processes generally used in a law office for real estate transactions including: Mortgages, Commercial vs. Residential properties, title issues, EREG system and more.

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Small Claims Practice and Procedures

Small Claims Practice & Procedures provides the students with basic knowledge of the Small Claims Court system and relevant documentation.

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Note: Students who started the program prior to Summer 2023 and wish to graduate under the new requirements may use LEG307 in lieu of LEG316. However, they must complete a total of 12 courses in order to graduate.

Program Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Apply organizational skills to complete tasks and to meet deadlines in the legal environment.
  2. Produce accurate legal correspondence by a specified deadline using available computer technology as well as applying recording, editing, and language skills.
  3. Develop and maintain data management systems to ensure organized legal records.
  4. Respond to electronic and paper communications to facilitate the flow of information.
  5. Produce and maintain accurate financial records by compiling information and using appropriate software.
  6. Employ effective interpersonal skills to ensure customer service, to assist the completion of individual and team tasks, and to promote the image of the organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I have completed Legal Assistant courses elsewhere. Will you accept them?
If you have completed a course at another institution that you think is the same as one of the courses in the Legal Assistant program, you can apply for a Transfer Credit. Please visit the Transfer Credit web page for more information. You will be required to provide an official course outline of the course you completed and your official transcript showing your final grade in the course.

2. Once I complete this program, can I apply any of the courses to the Law Clerk program?
No, unfortunately, none of the courses in the Legal Assistant program are equivalent to the Law Clerk courses or the Paralegal program.

3. Is this program available through online delivery?
Yes, this program is only available through online delivery.

4. How long do I have to complete this program?
We recommend students complete their studies within a 10-year period, unless stated otherwise on the curriculum page of the website. There can be time restrictions due to curriculum updates.

5. Do I have to pay for the entire program when I start?
No, you will be required to pay for the courses you register in each semester. Course fees are paid individually at the time of enrolment/registration. Cost per course is accessible via the Curriculum link. If you see a "Notify Me" button, then the course is not being offered for the upcoming semester.

6. How long will it take to complete the program?
Students will need to complete the 10 mandatory courses outlined on the Curriculum Link, along with a choice of two elective courses, making a total of 12 courses to fulfill program requirements. These courses are typically offered during the winter, fall, and summer semesters, although not all courses may be available every term. Students have the flexibility to progress through the program at their own pace, with most part-time students opting for one to three courses per term. It is advisable to aim for program completion within five years, considering that course content may evolve over time. The duration of the program will vary based on the number of courses taken each semester. For instance, completing two courses per semester without breaks would typically result in program completion within two years.

7. How do I access the course after I have registered?
You will receive an email providing instructions. To learn more about online delivery for this program, visit our Getting Started - Self-Directed Online Courses web page.

8. Do I have to buy textbooks?
Yes, some of the courses do require a textbook at this time. The instructor will let you know what you need to purchase at the start of the course. You can also find the information on the subject outline which is posted on the website.

9. Do I have to apply to take this program?
No, please feel free to register in courses to begin your studies.


When you meet all program requirements and become eligible for a certificate, diploma, or degree, you must inform the Registrar by completing a Graduation Application form and paying the graduation and alumni fee. Certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees are issued twice a year in the Fall (October), Spring (June) and Winter (February).

For further information including deadlines and fees, please visit the Convocation website or contact the Convocation Office at theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca.

Program Contacts

Annie Kirkham
Program Assistant

Yasmeen Syed
Academic Program Manager

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.