Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.




Whether you're a recent college or university graduate or a career-minded individual looking to elevate your business credentials, the International Business Management (IBS) graduate certificate program will help you become an invaluable asset to any organization. In the fast-paced, comprehensive program, you will learn about the multifaceted world of international business management from highly experienced industry professionals who have first-hand knowledge of today's global business environment.

There is a strong practical component to the IBS program with a focus on collaborative, project based learning, case analysis and in–class discussions, all essential critical thinking skills for success.

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.

Career Opportunities

As a graduate of this program, you will be prepared to apply international research, marketing, finance, legal and business planning skills to a variety of complex global market situations. Your well developed skills in digital and intercultural communications, networking, negotiation and teamwork skills will support you as you lead integrative trade initiatives.

Graduates of this program enter the workforce with the aim of moving into leading managerial positions in a broad range of private and public international business environments, including regulatory bodies, professional organizations and international non-government organizations (NGOs). You will be employed in many sectors, including goods and services exporting and importing companies, trading houses, banks, multinational corporations, international research, trade development, sales and marketing companies, governments and international institutions.

Entry Requirements

To be accepted into this Post-Graduate certificate program, eligible students are invited to apply by submitting copies online of documents demonstrating one (or both) of the entry requirements outlined below:

  • Ontario university/college degree, college diploma, advanced diploma or equivalent.
  • Applicants with a combination of partial postsecondary and/or significant relevant work experience that is the equivalent of the above may be considered. A relevant resume and references must be provided.
  • English proficiency for graduate certificates.

For application process, students must create an account with OCAS, and request electronic transcripts within the application process. Once you have applied and pay the OCAS application fee, please e-mail your application number to:

Alice (Xiaolai) Yu, CCS
Part-Time Senior Support Services Officer

To validate mature student in the areas of supply chain, logistics, international trade work experience, an original recommendation letter in employer's letter head is required to be sent to the Part-Time Senior Support Services Officer, stating your student number and OCAS application number, in addition to any supporting documentation. Contact the Part-Time Senior Support Services Officer for additional details.

Apply Now

To apply for the International Business Management Graduate Certificate program, click here.

For Students with international credentials, a credential assessment is needed for your application to be approved. You can use any of the approved service providers: World Education Services, ICAS of Canada or Comparative Education Service - University of Toronto and the assessment should be a document by document. The original credential assessment should be sent directly from the service provider to OCAS (do not send your own copies).

  • ontariocolleges.ca
    OCAS Application Number ref: ########## - SE_IBSCE
    60 Corporate Court
    Guelph, ON N1G 5J3
  • Note: OCAS does not return any originals, please request your own copy if you need one.

If you have any questions about the entry requirements, or general questions about the program, please contact:

Alice (Xiaolai) Yu, CCS
Part-Time Senior Support Services Officer

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Digital Applications for Business

This course will help you expand your knowledge base and skills in digital applications by applying business concepts to traditional and electronic models. Utilizing a variety of Internet, social media and cloud-based applications, students will create platforms for sharing, collaborating, networking and creating business events, meetings and presentation. A simulated and case-based approach will illustrate real world examples of international business sales and marketing development, customer relationship management (CRM) and the methods used to monitor/measure metrics and gain insight from analytics.

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Fundamentals of Project Management

Project Management is an essential discipline used across all business environments. Project management continues to be embraced by organizations striving to improve business results. The application of project management tools and techniques helps organizations launch new products/services, achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness, improve customer and stakeholder satisfaction and achieve greater competitive advantage. Topics to be covered include project selection, organization structure and culture, project initiation, project planning, project execution, monitoring and control and project closure. This course is compliant with the Project Management Institute "Project Management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK)" 6th edition.

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Business in the Global Economy

Today's successful businesses must operate within the global context. This course looks at how domestic and foreign organizations are reorganizing and new businesses are being shaped by the ever-changing international business environment. Concepts include global commerce, and topics that relate establishing strategic partnerships with businesses around the world.

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Consulting Across Cultures

Cultural differences, if not understood, can be a significant barrier to the implementation and success of a business venture. Today's international business manager must be able to lead and work effectively when interacting with people from other cultures or living in other cultural environments.
In this course you will examine diversity in cultural settings and/or people that you will encounter in your business career. You will develop, implement and analyze a variety of strategies and communication styles to address cross cultural variables.
This is a practical and interactive "how to" course, providing graduate students with professional managerial tools to develop and implement strategies to understand, communicate and negotiate effectively within various cultural environments and to address the impact of cultural diversity on an organization's integrative internal and external initiatives in the context of our globalizing world.

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Trade Research and Market Analysis

Managers make strategic business decisions based on in-depth research and analysis. In this course, you will examine and apply information systems and sources used to gather and analyze primary and secondary data. As a member of a team, you will use this data to prepare an international trade research paper. This research will be applied to your second semester Marketing and Business Plan.

Students that require this course for the International Business Management program or for FITT purposes, can register for IBS980 - Feasibility of International Trade. Please contact the program contact of the program after you register for this course. This course is only offered in May (Spring/Summer Term)

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International Banking and Finance

In today's global market, it's imperative for an organization to examine all possible financial risks before entering into negotiations. In this course, students will examine and discuss the intricacies of international money markets, the actions of governments and investors, and the effects of inflation, interest rates, tax and the flow of currency. Strategic global investment, the optimization of cash flow and pricing alternatives will be examined. The case studies would provide opportunity to build the skills required to create and manage finance across borders.

Students that require this course for the International Business Management program or for FITT purposes, can register for IBS981 - International Trade Finance. Please contact the program contact of the program after you register for this course. This course is only offered in January (Winter Term)

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Global Marketing

This advanced course continues from IBS601 and delves deeper into the strategic aspects of marketing in today's dynamic global environment with a focus on customer-centric development and delivery of the marketing mix:product, price, place and promotion. The focus of the course will be on learning how to solve complex marketing problems in a global environment through case analysis examples and assignments. The role of Social Media and Customer Relationship Management tools, analytics and metrics will be discussed within the context of creating an outstanding customer experience for both B2B and B2C markets. The course will also incorporate the development of a comprehensive global marketing plan and presentation as part of the IBS cumulative international marketing plan, in keeping with the requirements for FITT certification.

Students that require this course for the International Business Management program or for FITT purposes, can register for IBS985 - International Sales and Marketing. Please contact the program contact of the program after you register for this course. This course is only offered in January (Winter Term)

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Global Supply Chain Management

This course provides the students with an introduction to global supply chain management practices and through development and mapping strategies explain why global supply chain management is a critical element in successful global trading.
From an international business management perspective students will become familiar with production, inventory and delivery mapping and development systems and the effective management of key integrative processes. Emphasis will be placed on studying procurement and sourcing management, identifying import and export requirements, and understanding the procedures that define trade and the related frequently used terms of sale (Incoterms).
Students will also apply their knowledge by researching and presenting both a group project and individual student presentations based on theoretical and practical learning outcomes covered during the semester.

Students that require this course for the International Business Management program or for FITT purposes, can register for IBS984 - Global Logistics. Please contact the program contact of the program after you register for this course. This course is only offered in May (Spring/Summer Term)

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Sustainability and Sustainable Development

This course examines the role of corporate social responsibility and ethics in the international business environment and the challenges encountered by international managers across multiple perspectives in support of business integrity, sustainability and viability.
Through this course students will pay special attention to the relationships among the many and varied stakeholders that have a role in international business situations. These stakeholders include the market and non-market entities that affect business.
Through case studies and debate forums students will evaluate and recommend strategies and implementation methods to support best practices in corporate social responsibility and ethics associated with an organization's integrative trade initiatives.
An important element in this course is the successful completion of and certification in TCPS2 CORE, Course on Research Ethics, the Government of Canada's free online 8 module course in research ethics.

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International Business Plan

Students will learn how to prepare an effective business plan that clearly communicates your unique selling position, market potential, customer profiles, financial plan and marketing strategies. You will integrate concepts and theories and term projects from previous IBS courses to develop a comprehensive business plan that will introduce/export a product to a foreign market. Each team will, present their International Business Plan to their peers and a panel made up of faculty and industry experts.

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Legal Environment of International Business

This course will introduce you to the evolving legal issues that are relevant to the international business environment, including the legal risks of entering foreign markets, international organizations, trading block, sales contracts, legal aspects of billing of lading and letters of credit, liability of ocean carriers, licensing and the resolution of international disputes.

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Introduction to Human Resources Management

This course is a comprehensive overview of modern day personnel and human resource management. This course will introduce the diverse components of human resource functions and its role in the current business environment. Case study analysis will be used to link the theory to the practical situations that occur in Human Resources. Topics to be covered are: the business environment, recruitment and selection, employee development and evaluation, compensation and benefits, employee rights, safety and representations and strategic issues and challenges in Human Resources Management, in both domestic and global environments.

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Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting


However, it is recommended that students begin their studies with HRM701, Introduction to Human Resources Management, if they plan to pursue the Human Resources Management Graduate Certificate.

The focus of this course is to provide students with an understanding of accounting information for the use of business managers and a working knowledge of financial accounting for human resources managers. The fundamental principles of finance and accounting will be combined with practical applications relating to various forms of organization. Using accounting information to help effect plans, controls, and decisions will be emphasized.

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International Business Management: Career Planning

This course is designed to prepare students with the knowledge and transferable skills required to assist in a successful career launch in the global business sector. In addition to exploring the skills and qualities essential to obtain a position in their chosen career, students will prepare a career development campaign which will consist of resumes and cover letters, practise interviews and follow-up techniques. The importance of ethics and etiquette in the workplace will also be discussed. Both traditional and on-line methodologies will be integrated throughout the course.

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Program Outcomes

As a graduate, you will be prepared to reliably demonstrate the ability to:

  • Conduct an environmental scan to evaluate the impact of world issues on an organization's international business opportunities.
  • Conduct, evaluate and present market research to support an organization's international business decision-making.
  • Manage the preparation of documents and the application of procedures to support the movement of products and services in the organization's global supply chain.
  • Evaluate the impact of statutory and regulatory compliance on an organization's integrative trade initiatives.
  • Develop and implement strategies to negotiate effectively within various cultural environments and to address the impact of cultural differences on an organization's integrative trade initiatives.
  • Develop and present an international marketing plan, and evaluate sales strategies that support an organization's integrative trade initiatives.
  • Identify and interpret relevant international financial documents, and evaluate financial strategies that support an organization's integrative trade initiatives.
  • Analyze the impact of an organization's integrative trade initiatives on its human resources management strategies, policies, and practices.
  • Develop and present an international business plan.
  • Manage the implementation and evaluation of team projects by applying project management principles.
  • Recommend strategies to support principles of corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility and ethics associated with an organization's integrative trade initiatives and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Select and apply current technologies to support an organization's integrative trade initiatives.

OSAP Funding Available

This program is eligible for OSAP funding.

Course load is used by OSAP to determine funding options for programs.

If you are taking one to two courses at the same time, you may be considered for part-time student grants and loans.

  • one course (20 per cent)
  • two courses (40 per cent)

If you are taking three or more courses at the same time, you may be considered for full-time student grants and loans.

  • three courses (60 per cent)
  • four courses (80 per cent)
  • five courses (100 per cent)

To find out if you qualify and to learn how to apply, please visit the OSAP website.

For information on other awards and financial assistance, please see Financial Aid.


Take your graduate certificate further

Seneca is recognized as a leader in pathways and offers a range of options to help you reach your educational and career goals.

As a graduate of this program, you may be eligible to pathway into a master's degree program at one of our partner institutions.

To qualify for a master's degree program, you may require a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite. Visit our Degree Transfer Guide to learn more and explore your pathway options.

If you have additional questions regarding pathways to, within and beyond Seneca, connect with our Academic Pathways team at 416.764.0399 or email academic.pathways@senecapolytechnic.ca.

After reviewing the Degree Transfer Guide, you can also book a virtual appointment to discuss your options in more detail with a dedicated Pathways Adviser.


Graduates will have the required knowledge to pursue several key industry designations including the following:

  • Certified International Trade Professional (CITP)


Seneca Polytechnic & FITT Equivalence Chart

The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) recognizes Seneca Polytechnic courses as educational equivalents to FITT's industry-validated FITTskills courses. Application for equivalent status may be made to FITT after the completion of all eight courses.

Please contact FITT at 1-888-561-3488 or refer to their website for information about the transfer of credits.

FITT Accredited Program

Our FITT accredited program is a highly practical, hands-on series of courses that focuses on the fundamental aspects of international business. Upon successful completion of our program, including completing two (2) FITT assessments, students will be able to transfer their credits to FITT to receive a FITT Diploma in International Trade. This Diploma fulfills the educational requirement for obtaining the CITP designation.

Faculty who teach within this program are well-respected professionals in their field and bring a wealth of expertise to the classroom setting. Each represents the private or public sectors including: entrepreneurs, representatives from business, government or private consultants.

For more information about the FITT program, contact Xiaolai.Yu@senecapolytechnic.ca

The CITP Designation:

The CITP designation is the world's leading professional designation for the field of international business. It is earned by obtaining the FITT Diploma and meeting standards and requirements as set by FITT. For more information of the CITP designation, visit FITT website.

Credit Transfer Program

FITT Diploma Requirements

  1. Completion of the program, which includes 8 Seneca courses:IBS605, IBS805, IBS801, IBS806, IBS850, IBS820, IBS602 and IBS630.
  2. Submission to FITT of a project from 2 (two) of the following courses: IBS805, IBS630, IBS602 or IBS820. These projects must meet the criteria specified by FITT and identified by your instructor.
    How do you apply?
    1. Complete entire program.
    2. Complete the Standard Accredited Partner – student registration form. Students will be assigned a FITT ID after they've completed the registration form, which they must include on their project cover pages.
    3. Mail an official Seneca transcript to FITT (The Forum for International Trade Training, 116 Lisgar Street Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K2P 0C2)
    4. Upload two (2) projects to your FITT account using your FITT ID login OR email to info@fitt.ca.

Next Steps

FITT will mark your 2 (two) projects. Provided you have completed all steps successfully, you will qualify for a FITT Diploma and will have met the educational requirements for the CITP designation. Minimum passing grade for FITT Assessments is 65%.

Once you have successfully met the educational requirements, your next step is to obtain 1 (one) year of work experience in international trade. If you already have a year or more of work experience you are ready to apply for the CITP designation directly through FITT. For complete information on obtaining and maintaining the CITP designation, please visit FITT website.

What are the fees?*

The complete cost is $575+tax. This fee includes a complete set of FITTskills eBooks, all credit transfer and two (2) assessments, as well as a FITT ID and account login.

Note: *Fees are set by FITT and are subject to change without notice. The fees noted are accurate as of August 2013.

The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) recognizes Seneca Polytechnic courses as educational equivalents to their FITTskills courses. Application for equivalent status may be made to FITT after the completion of all courses.
IBS605 - Business in the Global Economy Module 1 - Global Business Environment
IBS805 - Global Marketing Module 2 - International Marketing
IBS801 - International Banking and Finance Module 3 - International Trade Finance
IBS806 - Global Supply Chain Management Module 4 - Global Supply Chain Management
IBS602 - Global Market Entry and International Distribution Module 5 - International Market Entry Strategies
IBS630 - Trade Research and Market Analysis Module 6 - International Trade Research
IBS850 - International Business Law Module 7 - Legal Aspects of International Trade
IBS820 - International Business Planning Module 8 - International Trade Management

Faculty Profiles

Hamid Shirazi, MBA, BSc

Hamid is an Economic Development Professional with the Ontario Government. Since 2008, he has held a number of managerial and senior advisory roles to enable the growth of Ontario's key industry sectors, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) attraction, and job creation. Prior to that, Hamid was engaged in different aspects of international business and export development while working at an international medical device company (Tehran - Iran), The U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (Toronto), Toronto Export Development Initiative (Toronto), and Swedish Trade Council (Toronto).

Hamid's educational background includes an MBA with a specialization in international business, a graduate diploma in international business, and a Bachelor of Science in medical technology. He is currently pursuing his doctorate in business administration.

Hamid has been teaching global market entry and distribution, global marketing, international trade management, and international trade finance at Seneca since 2014.


Emiliano Introcaso, MBA, CITP, P.Log., CCI

Emiliano has more than two decades of experience working with manufacturers and exporters looking to increase their global growth by providing them with support and guidance in all things export.

His strategy not only focuses on navigating companies through the complexities of global supply chains, but also in the small details that can make or break an international trade transaction. Emiliano is an International Business Advisor at Export Development Canada (EDC), a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) with the Forum For International Trade Training (FITT), holds the Professional Logistician (PLOG) designation from the Logistics Institute, is an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Registered Trainer on Incoterms® 2020 and a Certified Instructor (CCI) with the Canadian International Freight Forwarding Association (CIFFA). Emiliano completed a Master of Business Administration (Global Leadership stream) at the University of Fredericton.

Program Contacts

Belinda Becker
Program Assistant

Lisa Ballantyne
Manager, Academic Programs

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.