Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.
Service disruption notice: Due to scheduled maintenance, please note that registration for part-time programs and courses will be unavailable from Saturday, March 15 at 10 p.m. to Sunday, March 16 at 7 p.m. Thank you for your understanding.




Seneca College offers the Canadian Securities Course (CSC) Accelerated (CSS110) to enhance your understanding and help you successfully complete the Canadian Securities Course (CSC ®). The Canadian Securities Institute TM (CSI) is the official educator for the CSC ® exams. The CSC opens doors to careers in brokerages, mutual fund companies, banks, financial planning firms, wealth management companies and other promising areas in the financial services industry. CSC graduates are eligible for mutual funds licensing and the successful completion of the course is the first step towards full licensing for trading stocks and bonds.

Canadian Securities Institute Logo

Entry Requirements

Completion of Grade 12 Mathematics and English recommended.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Canadian Securities Course (CSC) Accelerated

Seneca Polytechnic offers the Securities Instructional course to enhance your understanding and help you successfully complete the Canadian Securities Course(TM). The Canadian Securities Course(TM) offered by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI) is the official educator of the securities industry. The course is designed to enhance students' understanding of the CSC material. This course reviews the investments market in Canada and identifies the roles and responsibilities of the key financial industries. Topical issues will include the nature of assets, client need assessment, various investments available to clients, investment strategies and tactics, portfolio evaluation, and the analysis of a publicly-traded company financial statement.

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Other Interest Courses

Anti-Money Laundering Administration

The international financial services community is working closely with the government and police force at all levels to contain efforts by organized crime and terrorist groups to launder money and use the financial services system as a conduit for the illicit transfer of funds from the proceeds of crime. The Canadian government has put legislative mechanisms in place and established a financial intelligence unit, FINTRAC, to monitor compliance. This course will teach students about Anti-Money Laundering management programs that are in conformance with Canadian and international regulatory requirements.

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Note: Successful completion of CSS110 qualifies as meeting requirements of RFC403.


Students must register directly with CSI (The Canadian Securities Institute) and pay CSI course fees. Instructions on registering with CSI will be provided in the first week of the course. Registration with CSI includes:

  • Study Materials (online only)
  • 2 exam sittings (one for Vol. 1 and one for Vol. 2) within 1 year of CSI registration.

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session to learn more about the program and to connect with our team. 

Seneca Part-Time Asset Management and Financial Planning Graduate Information Session

Check back soon

Confirmation of registration and a unique link to join the information session will be provided upon registration.


A combination of teaching methods such as lectures, small group work to facilitate the understanding of concepts necessary to complete the CSC ® exams.

Modes of Evaluation

In order to successfully complete the CSS110 you will be required to enroll directly with Seneca College. You will also be required to purchase and register for the Canadian Securities Course (CSC®) with the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI). Exams are booked directly with CSI. Marking and grading will then be done by CSI.

Program Contacts

Roberta Aquino
Academic Program Manager

Aliya Merchant
Program Assistant

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.