Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.
Seneca Polytechnic's King Campus is a Canadian Welding Bureau Test Centre. Authorized CWB staff witness and X-ray test welds on site at Seneca at various times of the year.
The following individuals may register for CWB testing in order to receive a CWB structural welding ticket card indicating the positions completed:
Positions include Flat, Horizontal, Vertical and Overhead.
Those who successfully complete this testing will be eligible for any employment requiring the CWB ticket which they have achieved.
For more information on Welding Employment in Canada, visit these sites:
Proof of one year's work experience in welding or the completion of a welding course.
Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.
This opportunity allows registrants to do a practical test of one plate groove joint position, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time. Assessment is done visually and through radiographic testing. Registrants must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and personal apparel prepared to do the practical welding test.
This is an opportunity for registrants to do a practical test of two plate groove joint positions, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time. Assessment is done visually and through radiographic testing. Registrants must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and personal apparel prepared to do the practical welding test.
This opportunity allows registrants to do a practical test of three plate groove joint positions, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time. Assessment is done visually and through radiographic testing. Registrants must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and personal apparel prepared to do the practical welding test.
This opportunity allows registrants to do a practical test of four plate groove joint positions, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time. Assessment is done visually and through radiographic testing. Registrants must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and personal apparel prepared to do the practical welding test.
This selection allows the registrant to do a practical retest of one plate groove joint position, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time which will be assessed by visual and radiographic testing. Only one retest will be allowed for each initial test failed. The retest must be done within 90 days of the initial test. The registrant must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and general clothing prepared to do the practical welding test.
This selection allows the registrant to do a practical retest of two plate groove joint positions, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time which will be assessed by visual and radiographic testing. Only one retest will be allowed for each initial test failed. The retest must be done within 90 days of the initial test. The registrant must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and general clothing prepared to do the practical welding test.
This selection allows the registrant to do a practical retest of three plate groove joint positions, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time which will be assessed by visual and radiographic testing. Only one retest will be allowed for each initial test failed. The retest must be done within 90 days of the initial test. The registrant must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and general clothing prepared to do the practical welding test.
This selection allows the registrant to do a practical retest of four plate groove joint positions, witnessed by the CWB, at the allocated date and time which will be assessed by visual and radiographic testing. Only one retest will be allowed for each initial test failed. The retest must be done within 90 days of the initial test. The registrant must come to the welding shop equipped with their own safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves, and general clothing prepared to do the practical welding test.
Students should park in Parking Lot A. Walk west to the Building marked "Welding Shop".
Seneca King Campus offers testing for structural shielded metal arc welding CWB tickets on a demand basis. Testing is done on Monday nights and is usually available every 2 to 3 months. Pricing is detailed in the CWB and CWR codes, and testing becomes cheaper as you test for more positions on the same night. Testing is progressive in the order of flat, horizontal, vertical up, and overhead. If the student fails any of the position tests they are permitted one retest per position (CWR codes) within 90 days of the original test date. If the retest is passed, then the ticket is awarded as if no failure ever occurred.
The tickets are valid for a period of 2 years from the date of testing.
The tickets are mailed to the Seneca Polytechnic from the CWB, the college will contact the student to see if they want their ticket mailed or to come to King Campus to pick ticket up.
For further details or information, you can contact Erik Stewart, Welding Programs Coordinator by telephone 416 491-5050 ext.55023, or by email at Erik.Stewart@senecapolytechnic.ca
Students preparing to do their CWB practical SMAW structural welding tickets can purchase welding shop time by the night (3 hours slot, Tues/Wed/Thurs or Sat).
All materials are provided, students must come prepared with CSA approved safety boots, safety glasses and welding gloves.
Students preparing to do their CWB practical SMAW structural welding tickets can purchase welding shop time by the night.
All materials are provided; students must come prepared with CSA approved safety boots, safety glasses and welding gloves.
Testing and re-testing are offered every semester, but dates are determined by students wanting to be tested or re-tested.
Please make your requests known to the part-time program coordinator.
Ramya Kottapalli
Program Assistant
For more information about this program, fill out the following form.