High Voltage Electrical Power Design

Certificate of Completion

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This Program is designed for Electrical Engineers, Engineering Technicians and Technologists who want to gain more knowledge in the domain of power systems and substation design, relay protection and coordination calculation and testing.

The charging of batteries for electric cars requires a significant amount of energy; this, paired with the number of electric cars increasing exponentially, will require the availability of charging options in residential areas. New substations will be required as the number of electric cars increases. Green energy usage will increase in residential areas which will create an occasional surplus of energy; the subsequent voltage increase may create problems at the transformer level which will require new types of transformers being employed.

Substation Design and Relay Protection Coordination refers to the design of a Medium Voltage Substation using Easy Power. The Substation Design needs to accommodate all the new functions for a developing electrical system including the Distributed Generation. Substations may be of various types and different voltage levels:

  • High Voltage Substation: required to step up voltage from the Utility Generator to the Transmission Lines.
  • Transmission Lines Substations: used for diverting the active and reactive power flow or to compensate for the voltage loss under increase demand.
  • Distribution Substation: required to step down the voltage from the transmission lines to the consumer.

Relay Protection Coordination is changing rapidly with the implementation of new technology; in use today are fiber optic current transformers with loss phase protection for power transformers and substations. The old electro-mechanical relays are being replaced because of obsolescence, i.e. there are no more available spare parts. Opportunities will arise in Relay Protection and Coordination upgrade projects or in the design of new substations with new technological requirements.

The quick change of Electrical Systems requires specific knowledge in the design and calculation of the new type of substations, therefore there are many opportunities in this domain for electrical engineers/technicians/technologists.

Career Opportunities

The Design of a Substation requires specific skills for an Electrical Engineer or Technician. They must understand the technical requirements and calculate the correct parameters for the equipment which will be installed during construction of a Substation.

Easy Power is a very powerful engineering software used for the design of an electrical system. Understanding the Substation Design helps with the operation, testing, maintenance and troubleshooting of the Substation.

Some common job titles include:

  • Substation Specialist
  • Relay Protection Engineer
  • Substation Switching Coordinator
  • Substation Grounding Specialist
  • Substation Maintainer
  • Power Transformer Specialist
  • High Power Operator
  • High Voltage Equipment Tester
  • Substation SCADA Technician
  • High Voltage Circuit Breaker Maintainer
  • Electrical Engineer with Easy Power background and experience

Entry Requirements

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent with:

  • Grade 12 English: ENG4(C) or ENG4(U)
  • Grade 12 Mathematics: (C) or (U) or Grade 11 Mathematics: MCR3(U)


Mature Student Status (age 19 or older) with the above prerequisite course(s), their equivalent(s) or appropriate Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) Certificate program credits (see Academic Upgrading)

Students are strongly encouraged to observe listed course pre-requisites unless they have a good understanding of electrical theory or have previous industrial experience in electrical and power systems.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Systematic Approach for Electrical Substation Design

This course describes the functionality of the major electrical equipment used in medium and high voltage systems and the interaction and power flow in the utility switchyard(switching station). Transmission and Distribution Substations will also be explored. Students will learn the relationship between Power Transformer selection and design and the effect the parameter selection has on the coordination of incoming and outgoing power. An Easy Power Model is provided with detailed examples for a typical configuration of a substation, including the reports generated which are associated with the design.

Note: Your instructor will provide you with the download link and authorization code for EasyPower on the first day of the course.

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Relay Protection and Coordination


Recommended prerequisite: EPD100

This course describes the protection functions of the most used relays, for example 50/51 short and long overcurrent protection and 87 differential protection. This course focuses on the most important configurations of relay protection systems and settings. The coordination between fuses and relays will be illustrated for different configurations. Easy Power will be used to perform relay protection coordination and illustrate the coordination for different equipment, for example, substation busses, power transformers, electrical motors and generators, cable and busways.

Note: Your instructor will provide you with the download link and authorization code for EasyPower on the first day of the course.

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Distributed Generation Transients and Harmonics Mitigation Solutions


Recommended prerequisite: EPD101

This course will explain the bulk electrical system operation and distributed generation protection required to maintain transmission system reliability. Students will learn the sources of transients in an electrical system and methods of elimination or harmonics mitigation to avoid negative consequences.

Note: Your instructor will provide you with the download link and authorization code for EasyPower on the first day of the course.

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Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Troubleshooting


Recommended prerequisite: EPD102

This course explains the various methods of testing electrical equipment against technical requirements, including NETA Standards - North American Electrical Testing Association Standards. The focus is on testing all major equipment and cables with an emphasis on Substations and Power Transformers, i.e. DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) Method of testing and results interpretation. Methods on how to prevent damage to the insulating material of equipment are also covered. This course also provides practical methods to test, troubleshoot and maintain an Electrical Power System.

Note: Your instructor will provide you with the download link and authorization code for EasyPower on the first day of the course.

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Program Outcomes

Upon Completion of this program the students will be able to:

  • Implement a Substation Electrical Model in Easy Power
  • Perform Load Flow Calculation for an Electrical Model
  • Perform Short Circuit Calculations
  • Generate Relay Protection Coordination settings
  • Generate an ARC FLASH report and Labels
  • Perform an electrical insulation coordination
  • Select the proper Surge Arrestors
  • Generate Abnormal Switching Operation Procedures
  • Understand the requirements of the Substation Grounding
  • Generate an Inspection and Test Plan for Electrical Equipment


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the program requirements, please submit a Request for Certificate of Completion Form to the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training. There is no cost for this and your Certificate of Completion will be sent to you electronically.

Program Contacts

Ramya Kottapalli
Program Assistant