Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.
This course is being offered as a virtual classroom, providing students with an opportunity to attend a weekly online class at a scheduled day and time. Classes are online and include a combination of *synchronous real-time activity led by the instructor, complemented by **asynchronous activities.
The synchronous sessions are typically recorded and can be accessed by students for the duration of the course. Students should expect to attend class each week at the scheduled start time. However, please note that in most cases, classes will not be 3 hours of live, real-time instruction. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the course outline, the weekly schedule and important deadlines at the start of the course.
Synchronous delivery is where the primary mode of instruction takes place online, in real-time where instructors and students interact with each other. This interaction can take place through platforms such as Blackboard Collaborate and Big Blue Button. Synchronous sessions take place at specified dates and times which are indicated on the weekly schedule. The sessions are typically recorded and can be accessed by students for the duration of the course. Students are expected to attend and participate in scheduled synchronous sessions for their course.
Asynchronous delivery is where the primary mode of instruction takes place online and provides students with a self-directed learning experience where they can learn and study on their own time. Instructional strategies may include different types of interaction between the instructor and the students through the Learning Management System, such as the Blackboard platform.
All asynchronous activities, including things like lesson modules, lecture notes, multi-media content, assignments and assessments, etc., are posted online. While students work through the materials at the time of their choosing, they are expected to follow a weekly schedule to complete activities and submit assignments by the specified due dates. Students may interact with their instructor or each other through the Learning Management System, including Blackboard discussion boards, email or other technologies.