Opticianry Refresher


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These refresher courses are beneficial to students planning to enter the optical field to help prepare for the NACOR exams.

To explore more information on how to become an optician, visit Opticians Council of Canada.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


- Non-Credit -

Contact Lens Instrumentation Refresher


Registered Intern Optician status with the College of Opticians of Ontario.

This course includes a review of contact lens instruments for Intern Opticians preparing to take the Registration Examinations. Students review procedures for the operation of the slit lamp, keratometer.

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Fabrication Theory Refresher


Registered Intern Optician status with the College of Opticians of Ontario.

This course is designed to review spectacle fabrication and lens verification theory. Topics include layout and blocking procedures for single vision and bifocal lenses, the use of automatic edgers and final inspection and verification.

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Ocular Pathology Identification Refresher


Registered Intern Optician status with the College of Opticians of Ontario.

This course is designed to review common ocular pathology, contact lens anomalies and the criteria for successful contact lens fitting. From a presentation of slides, students examine anterior segment complications of the eye, the external adnexa, and assess contact lens fits of various designs.

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Ophthalmic Dispensing and Lensometry Refresher


Registered Intern Optician status with the College of Opticians of Ontario.

This refresher course is available to Registered Intern Opticians who are preparing to take the Registration Examinations. The learner is provided with a review of critical dispensing procedures including P.D., vertex distance and multifocal lens measurement. Lensometry for lens duplication and verification is included.

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Contact Lens Skills Refresher


Registered Intern Optician status with the College of Opticians of Ontario.

This refresher course is available to Registered Intern Opticians who are preparing to take the Registration Examinations. Students review and utilize procedures for taking critical contact lens measurements including B.V.P., B.C.O.R., and lens diameter as well as for insertion and removal of both soft and RGP lenses.

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Program Contacts

Annie Kirkham
Program Assistant

Yasmeen Syed
Academic Program Manager

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.