Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.


International Freight Forwarding - CIFFA




These courses are designed to meet the education needs of two main groups: Individuals who are new to the international transportation, trade, logistics and supply chain industries and need to acquire new skills and knowledge to become more employable; and those who are currently working in the international transportation, trade, logistics and supply chain industries, but wish to upgrade their skills and knowledge to advance their career.

All Canadian freight forwarders plan and execute shipments by all modes of transport. They are responsible for researching routes, rates, and carriers, providing quotes to customers, making arrangements for shipments, monitoring shipments, and managing transportation documentation. Freight forwarders work closely with manufacturers, exporters, shippers, consignees, carriers, warehouses, packaging companies, financial institutions, and government agencies. These CIFFA courses will prepare students to collaborate effectively with these parties and to ensure that freight is delivered in accordance with the contract and applicable country regulations.

Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association Logo

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.

Entry Requirements

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent OR 19 years of age or older.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Pathway requirements towards CIFFA Certificate in International Freight Forwarding

International Transportation



The physical movement of goods across national boundaries will be the major focus of this course. Students will learn how to determine the cost of moving cargo by various modes and routes of transportation, how to incorporate the cost into the export quotation and/or the import costing. The topic of supply chain management is introduced. The student will learn how to deal with trucking companies, railway companies, ocean carriers, airlines, freight forwarders and agents.


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Freight Forwarding for Supply Chain Management

Understanding how buyers and sellers manage risk with a variety of international payments and cargo insurance, the knowledge of commercial documents and their completion, export packaging, cargo security, dangerous goods and alternative transport solutions enable students to properly cost and quote on a shipment.

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Pathway requirements towards FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding

Advanced Cargo Freight Services

Moving beyond the ordinary, Advanced Cargo Freight Services course explores the subjects of project cargo and air and ocean chartering. Extensive portion is devoted to customs and regulatory compliance leading students to the topic of transportation law and legal liability, including CIFFA's Standard Trading Conditions.

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International Logistics, Sales and Marketing

This course in logistics, sales & marketing in supply chain management concepts includes discussions on technology, the increasingly important green logistics as well as basic concepts of sales and marketing.

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To acquire and maintain the knowledge and skill required to execute such tasks, Seneca Polytechnic is offering the International Freight Forwarder courses – CIFFA Program.

All CIFFA approved Freight Forwarding Courses:

  • are FIATA accredited
  • are accredited by the Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council
  • are written and taught by industry professionals with real-world knowledge and experience
  • combine theory, practical exercises, and case studies relevant in day-to-day operations.

Students can write the following exams directly with CIFFA once the four pathway courses are completed:

CIFFA Certificate in International Freight Forwarding certification exam

  • To be eligible for this exam, students are required to complete the two CIFFA Certificate in International Freight Forwarding (formerly known as Level 1) courses: INB345 & INB445
  • Students must schedule their "Certificate Exam" directly with CIFFA by emailing education@ciffa.com.
  • You must submit a copy of your transcript showing both Seneca Polytechnic courses. To request Seneca Transcripts, please visit the Official Transcripts website for detail information.
  • Exams fee costs for CIFFA Certificate in International Freight Forwarding certification exam is: These are payable directly to CIFFA, contact the association for costs: education@ciffa.com
  • Passing grade for the certification exam is 70% or higher.

FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding certification exam

  • To be eligible for this exam, students are required to complete the two FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding (formerly known as Level 2) courses: INB455 & INB465
  • Students must schedule their certificate exam after having received their CIFFA Certificate in International Freight Forwarding. This process is done directly with CIFFA by emailing education@ciffa.com.
  • You must submit a copy of your transcript showing all 4 courses. To request Seneca Transcripts, please visit the Official Transcripts website for detail information.
  • Exams fee costs for the FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding certification exam: These are payable directly to CIFFA, contact the association for costs: education@ciffa.com.
  • Passing grade for the FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding certification exam is 70% or higher.

Please note that students achieving a grade between 60% to 69% in any of the CIFFA certification exams, might qualify to write a makeup exam for an additional fee of $125.00 payable to CIFFA.

For students looking to pursue the Professional Freight Forwarder (PFF) Designation, the FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding Certificate is the first step in the pathway to certification. Please note that additional courses and industry experience is required. For more information visit:

Faculty Profiles

Hamid Shirazi, MBA, BSc

Hamid is an Economic Development Professional with the Ontario Government. Since 2008, he has held a number of managerial and senior advisory roles to enable the growth of Ontario's key industry sectors, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) attraction, and job creation. Prior to that, Hamid was engaged in different aspects of international business and export development while working at an international medical device company (Tehran - Iran), The U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (Toronto), Toronto Export Development Initiative (Toronto), and Swedish Trade Council (Toronto).

Hamid's educational background includes an MBA with a specialization in international business, a graduate diploma in international business, and a Bachelor of Science in medical technology. He is currently pursuing his doctorate in business administration.

Hamid has been teaching global market entry and distribution, global marketing, international trade management, and international trade finance at Seneca since 2014.


Emiliano Introcaso, MBA, CITP, P.Log., CCI

Emiliano has more than two decades of experience working with manufacturers and exporters looking to increase their global growth by providing them with support and guidance in all things export.

His strategy not only focuses on navigating companies through the complexities of global supply chains, but also in the small details that can make or break an international trade transaction. Emiliano is an International Business Advisor at Export Development Canada (EDC), a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) with the Forum For International Trade Training (FITT), holds the Professional Logistician (PLOG) designation from the Logistics Institute, is an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Registered Trainer on Incoterms® 2020 and a Certified Instructor (CCI) with the Canadian International Freight Forwarding Association (CIFFA). Emiliano completed a Master of Business Administration (Global Leadership stream) at the University of Fredericton.

Program Contacts

Belinda Becker
Program Assistant

Lisa Ballantyne
Manager, Academic Programs

Information Session

Students are invited to attend an information session.