Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.


Small Business Essentials


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If you are looking for a cost and time efficient way to improve your skills, the Small Business Essential Courses will train you with the foundations courses to some of our certificate programs.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.


Tax Basics for Small Business and Entrepreneurs

This two-day workshop will provide participants with a basic overview of the Canadian tax implications related to carrying on a small business in Canada. Particular emphasis will focus on self-employment income, and the related income tax considerations and strategies. Participants will complete a business income tax form for their company or an applicable case study, and receive a print and online version of the text, Tax Planning for You and Your Family 2023. It is important that participants register early in order to receive their text prior to the workshop.

For more information, please contact Teresa Artuso at teresa.artuso@senecapolytechnic.ca.

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From Dream to Reality - How to Start Your Own Small Business

This comprehensive workshop is designed for those who aspire to start their own small business. The workshop will focus on the key areas that determine the success of a small business start-up: product/ service definition, target marketing, competitive evaluation, legal and regulatory issues, operations and financial management, staffing, marketing and promotion, selective sales techniques.

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Effective Sales Techniques for the Small Business Start-Up

This comprehensive workshop is designed for those who plan to start their own small business or who currently operate a small business. This 12 hour workshop will be conducted over four consecutive weekends. The workshop content will focus on key selling techniques which are important to the growth of any small business: customer profiling, feature and benefit identification, strategic selling methods, communication styles, needs discovery, planning, negotiating, closing techniques.
Attendees will participate in four, three hour, interactive classroom sessions that will provide opportunities to practice many of the selling techniques discussed in workshop. In addition, each week attendees will complete an in-depth exercise within a modular workbook. Upon completion of the workbook exercises, attendees will have identified the sales strategies that will increase the chances of growth of their new business start-up.

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Marketing Tools for the Small Business Start-Up

This comprehensive workshop is designed for those who plan to start their own small business or who currently operate a small business. This 12 hour workshop will be conducted over four consecutive weekends. The workshop content will focus on key marketing tools and techniques that are critical to the success of any small business: product/service differentiation, targeting, segmentation, brand strategy, customer relationships, consumer behavior, marketing communications, personal selling, sales promotion, direct and online marketing, advertising.
Attendees will participate in four, three hour, interactive classroom sessions. In addition, each week attendees will complete an in-depth exercise within a modular workbook. Upon completion of the workbook exercises, attendees will have created a marketing plan that will increase the chances of long-term success of their small business.

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Program Contacts

Belinda Becker
Program Assistant

Lisa Ballantyne
Academic Program Manager

Teresa Artuso
Manager, Academic Programs

For more information about this program, fill out the following form.